Abusegate: Mother of All Scandals?

From MANN reader Ed: Article here. Excerpt:

'Mirror, mirror, on the wall, what's the most colossal scandal of them all? Watergate? Climategate? Tigergate? If you said 'yes' to any of these, you're not even close!
Abusegate refers to our nation's flawed crusade to curb domestic violence (DV). Originally a high-minded and well-intentioned effort, the end-abuse campaign has now fallen prey to an invidious anti-family agenda. In the name of making homes safe, the domestic violence industry curtails fundamental civil rights and often betrays those in greatest need.

Let me count the ways our domestic violence effort has failed to deliver on its promises, all the while undermining our most cherished values and societal institutions:

1. Takes advantage of vulnerable women. Our abuse shelters are filled with women who are just as violent as the men they left. When abused women come for help, they need a safe place where they can get counseling, housing assistance, and treatment for substance abuse problems. But instead they get a hefty dose of gender ideology proffered in the name of promoting "female empowerment": http://www.radarsvcs.org/docs/RADARreport-Are-Abuse-Shelters-Helping-True-Victims.pdf

2. Stereotypes men as abusers. Amanda McCormick of Praxis International recently shocked abuse conference attendees with this calumny: "I know a lot of men who deserve to be beaten." Less than two months later the Department of Justice awarded a $3.5 million grant to her organization, prompting Examiner.com columnist Trudy Schuett to wonder why the federal government is using taxpayer money to subsidize anti-male hate-speech.'

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