F&F: Write, Call to Support Bill to Protect Disabled Fathers from Family Court Abuses

Fathers & Familes Action Item here. Excerpt:

'Arizona HB 2348 will help protect disabled fathers (and mothers) from child support and alimony abuses—to email and fax a letter in support of the bill, click here.

The hearing on the bill is Wednesday January 27, so please act ASAP. This is a national issue and supporters both inside and outside of Arizona are encouraged to participate.

Although federal law is clear, judges are often ignoring it and calculating veterans’ disability compensation into divorce settlements as a divisible asset. Very often these payments are the only assets a veteran has. When judges include it as income, it creates great hardship for those veterans, who rarely have the resources to hire legal help to contest the taking of their benefits. HB 2348 will help end this practice—to email and fax a letter in support of the bill to all members of the Arizona House Military Affairs and Public Safety Committee to express your support for HB 2348, click here. To call the Committee members, click here.

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