'Help Choose Nine Women to Run the World'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I recently came up with an idea: that it would be revelatory to ask as many women who were willing to “nominate” our next world leaders: to choose who, among women, they’d put forward to lead the world. This seems more apt than ever, given last week’s decision by the Supreme Court, which may guarantee even more corporate sponsorship of our elected officials.

What do you think? Is it time for us to start imagining a new kind of world, since this one ain’t working? Is it time for us to try a different approach —say, give the other gender a chance at running things?

Most in the handful of women I polled, of all ages, would like to see women given a chance at piloting the ship for a while. We’ve had men in the majority in just about every area of governance and power — everywhere on the planet. If women were in charge, would things improve? How about The Nine, an international court of women — enlightened governance?

Please respond by nominating one or two or nine women who you think could take charge and give us a chance to save ourselves and the planet. At a certain point, I’ll tally the results to see who The Nine are, but we are not so interested in how many votes any single”candidate” gets as which names appear.'

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or "Black People". Or "White People". Or "Amnesiacs" Anything else would cause some objection. Let it be "Women" and the world smiles.

I really would like to see how the world would be if left utterly in the hands of women for, say, 5,000 years. Men would have no significant contributory input at all. No amount of labor other than, say, child-rearing. No building buildings or doing anything having to do with infrastructure. No commercial input either, financial, planning, etc. Utterly all in the hands of women the way they insist it has been for at least as long, only with the sexes reversed. But let's say that like men, they too had to start at the beginning: No city-states, no irrigation, just hunting and gathering. Just start there with the same level of knowledge and technology. Then let it go for 5,000 years. I have to wonder, what would the end of that 5,000 years look like?

But even if today, right now, if you took the world right now and swapped out all positions of authority, public trust, and decision-making, and indeed "historically male effort pools", and exchanged them all en masse for women, and we'll even say women fully-qualified (ie, all male bridge engineers and construction workers for female ones, all equal in qualification, as of Day One), what would things look like in 1,000 years?

This is hard to say.

Now let's introduce the "original 60s equity feminist" idea and say what we would like to do from this point is make it so that all positions of trust, etc. in society are equally-filled by women as qualified as their male counterparts to hold those positions, from the man who works on cars to the man who designs huge bridges, from the man who supervises three fellow laborers to he who leads a 50,000-employee corporation. Make sure all such positions now are filled equally by women of equal qualification as these men.

Now, what will it look like in 1,000 years?

Can that ratio be maintained? Can it be maintained only by force of law? After 4 decades of affirmative action and other numerous legal interventions, feminists still ignore the choices women make and insist the shortage of females in these roles is due to discrimination and nothing else. Yet employers beat the bushes looking for women willing to take all manner of these kinds of jobs and find too many that just do not want them for whatever reasons.

Feminism, as we understand it, will never go away unless its basic suppositions are shown to be false, not just to ourselves but to the world. As MRAs we already know what sort of B.S. they are peddling but nymphotropism and ignorance keep the whole nasty thing rolling.

But frankly I believe feminism in one form or another will always be with us, at least until humanity has evolved in numerous ways such that the basic problem of sexed identification and sex roles-based thinking (which according to child developmentalists starts at a very early age) is no longer a major influence.

Well, good luck to us with that one.

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How come if more and more women have assumed more and more leadership roles over the last thirty years or so, things haven't already gotten better??


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The problem that these idiot women have failed to see is that the only problem male world leaders have is that they have to pander to women for votes. Putting feminist women in charge just speeds up the decline of the country.

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Britney Spears
Christina Aguilera
Howie Mandel
Miley Cyrus
Caitlin Upton
Pamela Anderson
The Olsen Twins

Open Your Eyes by Jay Hammers

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Precisely why would anyone hate the world enough to inflict female leadership on it? How about nine men in drag instead? That would be far more effective while at the same time providing us all with much needed laughs!

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Why have the world ruled by anybody? Free men are not ruled and have no desire to be. They would rather die free than live as 'the ruled'.

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I wwould nominate Anne Widdicombe,she has already written books about the unfair system that fathers face,she does
have knowledge of the problems and she has been around politics a fair old time,no oil painting though.

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One vote, one person. 75% for a majority. With proper education before any vote let the majority decide. Only the truth be told. I guess if we truly want the rights of a true citizen in our own country we will have to take them through the Constitution. It makes no difference who the nine is, as they have no right to rule, whether it be male, or female. It sounds more like to me; gee slaves, women would be kinder masters, let us have a try? Not on my watch!

David A. DeLong

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Betty Broderick for world leader! Just the kind of gal Western culture needs now to lead it into the 21st century and not the Milquetoast shill Obama!

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