Investigate Abusegate: Call Sen. Hatch TODAY!

Each year, 2-3 million restraining orders are issued in the United States (1). But according to one study, 70% of those orders are unnecessary or false (2).

The Violence Against Women Act bankrolls the issuance of millions of restraining orders, for which there is little proof of benefit, and which, according to the Independent Women’s Forum, only “lull women into a false sense of security.” This week our lobbyists are working Capitol Hill, asking our elected officials to “Investigate Abusegate!”

One of the key supporters of VAWA over the years has been Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah. Sen. Hatch views VAWA as one of his legacies. Really? Then Sen. Hatch should be leading the charge to find out exactly how the Violence Against Women Act got sidetracked.

CALL TODAY! Call Sen. Hatch’s office at (202) 224-5251. Or send him an email via The message to Sen. Hatch only needs to be 5 words long: “Investigate Abusegate! Fix VAWA Now!”

2. Foster BP. Analyzing the cost and effectiveness of governmental policies. Cost Management, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2008.

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Spent a bit of time copy pasting and alterating a Radar document and sent it in. I listed it under families since I didn't want to use other.

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I sent an email.

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