'Why I Give to Women-Focused Relief Organizations'

Article here. Excerpt:

'When the earthquake hit Haiti last week I decided to direct my giving toward CARE, an organization that focuses its work on women. Some will question why I don't give right to the Red Cross, a very worthy organization. The honest answer is that I want to give my money to an organization who will put women and mothers as a priority. It's not a sexist statement, as much as a truth that reflects our gendered world.

Women are the caregivers of not just their families, but also of their communities around the world. Women know who lived where, who needs help, and so much more vital information that relief organizations require. Add in the fact that with globalization of our economy there are many parts of our world where women far outnumber men due to men immigrating to big cities or other countries, and well, you see how women get left at home to hold things together. When women do immigrate for paying jobs, they leave farming behind, hurting the community. Bottom line, when you put money into women's well-bring it impacts the entire community.

That is why I sent and will continue to send money to CARE. A gendered response is necessary. It doesn't mean that men and boys aren't important. Far from it. It means that women do have certain needs that men don't -- pregnancy, motherhood, and menstruation for starters -- that need addressing. When I give to women-focused agencies, I know they will make sure that women's needs are addressed.'

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... that that'd be OK as long as we made the case that by doing so we are allowing men to be of further service to rescue others (and given 90% of the rescuing in these situations is done by men, well...)

Oh yeah, that's right: there are no men-centered rescue groups to give to. Silly me.

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I heard on one news show that the majority of deaths from this earthquake were women. Apparently, women stay at home more than men in Haiti so when all those buildings fell down, yep, you guessed it, they fell mostly on women.

I saw in another news program that the bodies of the dead were just being buried in mass graves in dumps along with all the debris from the earthquake. I heard the death count was estimated at about 150,000 now.

So how exactly is all this money that's supposed to be helping women going to be spent??? I guess there are still enough women left to get programs and services men will be ineligible for.

Personally, I make every effort not to give to sexist charities.

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Wow, even CARE! Without research it is now be difficult to find any relief orgs the fems haven't co-opted.

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Disgusting female scum. Her rational for giving to women is just a way of covering up her sexist feminist mentality. She wants to only give to women because she hates men. These organisations are a disgrace. It seems women love stereotypes when it will benefit them.

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"Bottom line, when you put money into women's well-bring it impacts the entire community."

Real bottom line - if she cared about the community she would cut out the middle man, so to speak, and give directly to said community. May she die in the next natural disaster to hit the States.
Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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I replied to the article and ignorant comments:

Men are the majority of people saving others in Haiti, not women.

I think sustaining these men who are saving people is a lot more important than making women less uncomfortable when they menstruate. Not a requirement.

Men are always the vast majority of homeless. Don't dare to claim women are the major victims of poverty.

Men are at the highest levels of public office because they earned it and statistically speaking are much more likely to do so. Partially because men tend to be more motivated to seek such roles and partially because the variance of men's intelligence is higher. This means we see more men at the top - CEOs, politicians - and more men at the bottom - the mentally challenged. The average man has no overall advantages over women.

Pro-woman IS anti-man today. If it were about equal rights for both sexes it would fly. That's not what feminism is about today, it's about female privileges OVER men. They are intertwined.

WOMEN initiate domestic violence at least as often as men so please don't claim men don't have to deal with domestic violence much.

Open Your Eyes by Jay Hammers

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... so much that my mate Porky wrote an uncharacteristically long piece outlining precisely why her argument is not only misandrist but also just plain invalid.


Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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