Scorned Mistress of Married Obama Adviser Posts Billboards Nationwide

Story here. I am sure I (or MANN) will get accused (even moreso) of anti-Obama bias. Well that is not what this post is about. It's about this: Would the company posting these billboards have done so if there was a female adviser to the president in the same position and her jilted on-the-side fellow tried to buy billboard time talking about it?

Billboard space vendors reject ads all the time for all manner of reason. The fact that she wanted space on a billboard to complain about her high-profile jilter and that they rented it to her speaks volumes about what they think the public won't complain to them about.

In any case, we here on MANN know that the rate of infidelity among the sexes is roughly equal. However the substance of this story continue to reinforce the idea (and gleefully so) that males are the "primary cheaters" in our species. Excerpt:

'On first glance, it could be the ultimate Valentine's Day card -- a gigantic billboard that towers over New York's Times Square, featuring a happy couple with the text: "You are my soulmate forever, Charles & YaVaughnie."
YaVaughnie Wilkins posted the signs after she learned that her lover, Charles E. Phillips — president and director of the tech conglomerate Oracle Corporation and a member of Obama's Economic Recovery Advisory Board — had reconciled with his wife, the New York Post reported.

The billboards -- there are three in New York and one apiece in Atlanta and San Francisco, where Phillips lives -- may have cost Wilkins up to $250,000, at an estimated $50,000 each.

After the billboards surfaced, Phillips fessed up to his longtime affair through a spokesman on Thursday.

"I had an 8-and-a-half-year serious relationship with YaVaughnie Wilkins. The relationship with Ms. Wilkins has since ended, and we both wish each other well," he said.
In an Oracle newsletter from 2006, Phillips was described as an ex-marine and "family man" who has a wife and 10-year-old son, Chas, the New York Times reported.'

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Why is this even legal? It's not as if the guy's a celebrity or something, so it seems he's not 'fair game' for this kind of thing.


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SUE THE SNOT OUT OF THE BITCH FOR DEFAMATION! Or better yet, let his now reconciled wife do it!

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