Female reporter sexually assaults David Beckham - but it's him who's being controversial

This story on the BBC site (including video) explains how an Italian female presenter decided to pull a prank on David Beckham, and grab his testicles to see how large they are. She does it, and he is shocked and leaves. As he leaves she's deriding him and telling the world he has small balls.

But it's interesting how it's Beckham who's 'finding himself in controversy yet again'. So basically it's his fault, right? I mean he's a man, he's appeared in underwear ads, obviously he asked for it. No mention of arrest or even a negative word said against his assailant, the PP once again...


'David Beckham has had his private parts grabbed by a woman trying to check the size of his testicles.

Italian journalist Elena Di Cioccio took the soccer star by surprise as she put on a pair of rubber gloves and grabbed his manhood - to see whether or not he lived up to his nickname "Goldenballs", the name famously given to him by his wife, Victoria Beckham.

She said: "I want to find out how big his testicles are!"'

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and certainly not a lady.

maybe she was just trying to see if western men
(in general) have any balls left.

imagine a man putting on rubber gloves and grabbing
a woman in public to see how tight her vagina was, since her
husband bragged about it to all his friends.
called her golden puss.

i wonder if he had hauled off and instinctively lashed out,
he would have gone to jail?
i guess we all know the answer to that. only men are guilty
of violence. in a really equal world she would have been arrested for assault.

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that more and more women are becoming aware just how much license they have.

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In the article the assaulter is described as a 'journalist', but when you play the video I think they refer to her as a 'prank show host'. It doesn't matter what she is. Not funny.

Does anyone know if the women is well known in Italy? I am just curious if the crowd was expecting something outrages from her. But in the crowds' defense, I am sure most of them did not know what happened.

If a man would have done this to a woman, I bet the crowd would have wrestled him to the ground and kept him until police arrived. What happened to the women immediately afterwards?

I notice that when you play the video, the commentator never refers to it as an assault or violation, he just keeps making references to Beckham's 'package' and sexual innuendos ("bone of contention"). Imagine if that was the attitude of commentators if a woman was groped in public.

This one leaves me speechless, it will be interesting to see what happens to this woman.

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If anything she will get a promotion and more celebrity for her actions.

Rules are different for women. You've been here long enough to know nothing will ever come of this

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