Abusegate, Investigate!

From MANN reader, Ed:

Call 202-224-3121 today!

False Allegations of Domestic Violence Cost Taxpayers $20 Billion a Year.* That’s 20,000 million dollars, thanks to wrongful allegations of abuse.

Families are being broken up, children harmed, men discriminated against, and the Constitution trampled on. Why is the mainstream media so damn complacent? Why hasn't the President sounded the alarm? And why hasn't Congress launched an investigation?

TODAY, call 202-224-3121 – that's the Capitol Switchboard. Ask to be connected to your congressman. State your name and city of residence. Then ask your elected official to “Investigate Abusegate, the failure of the domestic violence industry to live up to its promises.”

Our lobbyists are working Capitol Hill this week. Your call is important. Do it now!

*Source: http://www.radarsvcs.org/docs/RADARreport-False-DV-Allegations-Cost-20-Billion.pdf

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