Abusegate: Mother of All Scandals?

From MANN reader Ed: Article here. Excerpt:

'Mirror, mirror, on the wall, what’s the most colossal scandal of them all? Watergate? Climategate? Tigergate? If you said ‘yes’ to any of these, you’re not even close!

Folks, we’re not talking about a media-adled tempest in a teapot. No, this is an old-fashioned head-banging, sit-down-and-cry-your-eyes-out affair.

Abusegate refers to our nation’s flawed crusade to curb domestic violence (DV). Originally a high-minded and well-intentioned effort, the end-abuse campaign has now fallen prey to an invidious anti-family agenda. In the name of making homes safe, the domestic violence industry curtails fundamental civil rights and often betrays those in greatest need.'

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