Woman who murders three young men receives lower sentence than man who steals a scarf
Story here. Excerpt:
'Jeanette Sliwinski, a former trade show model, killed three men when she collided into the back of their vehicle at over 90 miles per hour when they were stopped at an intersection. She did it intentionally, trying to commit suicide. She initially said she purposely drove her car into the parked vehicle, then changed her story. She served less than 4 years for her crime. Oh, and a broken ankle.
See the article here. A few quotations:
"Cook County Circuit Judge Garritt Howard, who presided over the bench trial, sentenced Sliwinski. She could have received up to 10 years for the reckless homicide conviction, but the judge said he factored in her lack of violent history and what he found to be her diminished mental state."'
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Murder is murder is murder.
Murder is murder is murder. This judge is actually giving women a license to kill.
Such a ridicilous punishment for one of the worst criminal offences in the book,
is a free pass for more women to kill men and get away with it! What is wrong with
that judge?
Visit MenRightsIsrael, English Blog about Feminism and Men Rights in Israel!
manonthestreet As with most
As with most of these cases the judge was a man. Really it is the men in power who do most of the damage.
I agree. Those men boost
I agree. Those men boost their ego by practicing chivalry on at their fellow men's expense.
You actually gave me an Idea for a new post!
Visit MenRightsIsrael, English Blog about Feminism and Men Rights in Israel!
Selfish suicide.
4 years for 3 deaths? Come on!
I really wish that people who wanted to kill themselves would leave others out of it. Crash into a tree out in the country, jump off of a bridge, shoot yourself in the head, take a lot of sleeping pills (not just a few), slash your wrists and bleed out. There are so many ways to truly end your life. I heard a story recently of someone who crashed head-on to a transport truck in a successful attempt at suicide. Imagine what the truck driver saw in his head, every time he closed his eyes, years after the event? How selfish is that?