Day care provider accused of burning baby

Story here Excerpt:

'A Gates day care provider accused of burning an 8-month-old baby has been charged with second-degree assault and reckless assault of a child by a day care provider, according to Gates police.

Kelly Hernandez, 44, 165 Kencrest Drive, who is licensed to operate a day care facility from her home, is accused of changing the baby's diaper on an electric stovetop that she believed was turned off, police said.

The baby suffered first-, second- and third-degree burns and is being treated at Strong Memorial Hospital, police said.'

Very brief report (as they are in these cases - i.e., there is a female suspect), and submitted by someone oddly-named "Staff Report".

I am fine with the matter of the charge. It is possible to be careless and/or stupid and accidentally sit an infant on a hot stove. I can imagine one can do this without hostile intent. However the criminal state of mind is recklessness and that is a valid place from which to pursue charges. And if an infant is so badly injured in this fashion then yes, charges better be pursued.

I think what gets me here is that I doubt very much "Staff Report" would have reported this and I also doubt it would be on Page ?? as a report if the suspect were male. Without doing the whole screen-cap routine, I can tell you that at this moment, the home page of the reporting paper does not have this story off-linked anywhere on it.

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How do we let John Walsh know about this?


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