London, England: Creation Of A Men-Only Antifeminist Meet-Up Group In London
From Rod in the UK:
MANN Readers,
I am interested in forming a men-only anti-feminist group in the London area. Hopefully we could start with forming a discussion group, and then (more importantly) form a workable think tank.
I want to form this group this with other men, with the idea for those interested to move onto future activism and further educating more men. All men are welcome irrespective of irrespective of race, sexuality, or faith.
The activism I am interested in includes having leaflets and packs of information to hand out at places like Speakers’ Corner on Sundays. My objective is to advertise publicly the relevant mens-rights, anti-feminist activism sites, eg: Angry Harry, Mensactivism, Men’s News Daily, The Spearhead, A Voice For Men, etc. I want more men to be aware of the truth about feminists, and to have the access to it. The best information available is all out there on the many men’s rights web-sites. The important thing to remember is that the web connects men with other men, and is the backbone of men’s rights antifeminist movement. I think we could help support it with some real on-the-ground grass-roots support. We have our great men on the web, lets support them, in our fight against feminism.
With respectful permission (from the sites or the authors) we can photocopy articles from the web sites and creates informational packets that the think-tank agrees on using. It is then simply a matter of distributing this information to men on the street.
The meet-up group is not meant to be a “social group”. It’s will be a place where men can discuss feminism and how it has affected our lives. It will be a place where we can challenge the disinformation and shaming attacks we are fed and discuss these things openly without fear of abuse or threat. This includes de-programming ourselves of adherence to automatic obligations, such as those tapped via emotional blackmail, etc.
Why MEN ONLY? Personally, I think it’s as it should be. And in fact I think it would be easier for us if women were in the group, but such would defeat the purpose. I think men don’t know how to connect heathfully with other men. We have been prevented from doing so by feminist programming/internalized anti-male attitudes. This is something we need to work to overcome and the Meet-up group could help with that, but it needs to be men-only for it to work.
I also think a lot of modern men tend to connect to men via women. I think we even see ourselves from a feminine perspective. And to make things worse, this feminine perspective sees men and boys from a feminist point-of-view.
I feel suppressed by a lifetime’s accumulation of negative female opinions, squashing any honest, self-affirming thoughts or feelings that I might have had. And personally, as a boy and man, I have been so used and abused by some women that my anger about it overwhelms me and inhibits my subjective sense of my living a fulfilling life. So eventually, I hope women who care about and support men will come to understand that feminism has damaged so much between us with lies and ugly stereotypes (as was its intention), that they will willingly become part of changing this state of affairs. But in the mean time, sadly, a lot of us will protect ourselves by throwing the baby out with the bath water.
If you are interested in contacting or working with me in London please send an email at: antifemnasty-at-googlemail.com
Thank you,
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MEN-o a MEN-o
I applaud the effort of small, grassroot men-only anti-feminist groups. While larger orgs should be gender inclusive, we need small, all-male activist discussion groups to help spread the word. I have found that the presence of women in such groups tends to seriously inhibit both discourse and catharsis. In an orchestra, sometimes the strings have to get together alone to work things out.
As with so many things posted on MANN...
... I am moved to comment. :) Generally I am against single-sex organizations/self-formed groups unless there is a very, very good reason for it. For example, one could say for a brief time any given population of people in a men's or women's public restroom is a single-sex organization. Strange as it sounds, there is a tacit understanding of purpose and a set of assumed understandings around protocol and relationships therein, especially so in such an environment, though it is starkly devoid of leadership (possibly because leadership is hardly required!). The grouping as ad-hoc and anonymous as it may be is still single-sex and it is so by design and arguably, necessity. One cannot dispute why it must be single-sex given the broader context of social arrangements. [I'll be happy to take on anyone who argues that unisex toilet facilities ought to be standard for human populations in general.]
That done, the question remains, why is it defensible for a person to seek to form a single-sex men's or women's group? The answer rests, like with the bathroom case, in the nature of the group's purpose. It is hard to say a men-only or women-only weekly meeting that is an offshoot of a larger regular Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is implicitly violating anyone's right to be included in an otherwise unreservedly public organization. One can also see that with such groups as Mankind Project or Woman Within, one can hardly object to these being single-sex. [If one does, trust me, he or she does not understand the nature of these groups or what they are doing for their members, and how positive in general the results of membership are for not just the members but also for their mates.]
The main posting was not a totally blind "here-Matt-post-this-for-me-please" kind of submission; there was some exchange of ideas before the final version was posted. Based on what I have discussed with Rod, I see his intent is to form not just an activist group as he has described but also a group that seeks to help men get de-isolated within their own society. Men often walk around with a lot of unresolved pain, but either don't know, for lack of example, how to express it without being self-destructive (drinking, drugs, socially-self-destructive behavior, etc.), or may not even be aware their internal state reflects a state of woundedness (eg: "emptiness inside" - that ain't normal, guys, nor is it healthy; not feeling anything is a sign you're shut down and life'd be a lot better if you changed it - I know this from personal experience). Trying even in small ways to get under those blockages, to start emptying out the "hurt locker", and begin getting some of these things resolved, is hard-enough thing to do in a male-only setting, much less in a mixed-sex settings. So in this case, I fully support the idea of a single-sex, men-only group.
The only thing else I might add about it is that sometimes if there is any intent to do some "head work" in a group, at least having one man present with some clinical experience (here in the US, a couple titles would be "Licensed Clinical Social Worker" or "Clinical Psychologist") is usually a good idea. This is because sometimes discussions can quickly get off in the wrong direction and "shadow" issues men have with themselves and each other can get in the way of unearthing _the good stuff_ (like suppressed feelings and thoughts that are throwing up roadblocks to a man's personal life-progress), as well as interfere in being able to get men on the same page re doing activist work -- even if that page is relatively small. (The piddling disagreements I have seen break up or render neutral men's activist groups is truly amazing... I am sure veteran MRAs can speak to this, too.) In those cases, a professional's influence at that point can help a lot.
I am not suggesting to Rod he go deliberately seek out such a man from the get-go. I rather think perhaps this group may attract a couple on its own accord, really. I am just saying that if he finds there are rough patches due to internal conflict that come up that seem too big to get around, the presence of a "clinical man" who is also an MRA may be a big help. But I won't assume such is necessary just yet until the actual group forms and I am sorry to say, living 1,000s of miles from London, I will not be able to attend its meetings. But if I lived anywhere near London, hell yeah, I'd be there from Day One.
I don't live in the London area but,
would you be able to start up a facebook group just to get things going perhaps? I know people are sick of facebook but it's a service that can allow you to reach millions of local users and is frankly invaluable. Besides that, I have company contacts which can utilize its advertising services well. Just a suggestion.
London Mens Antifeminist Group.
Hello this is Rod,
I once emailed AngryHarry to ask him about men's groups in London, He told me it had been tried before in London,unsuccessfully.
Harry told me he has access to far more men, creating far more awareness about feminism, with his site. Harry and others have proven this to be true with great success.
Personally with the help of the arse-kicking truths the M.R.A's dish out, I am a much happier bloke. reading well written articles about what I mostly knew about feminism, but was forced to suffer in the real world. (again and again!)
I feel indebted to these men (and some woman). And I know there are many men out there unnamed, who have helped launch us into the position where most of us can talk with confidence (amongst ourselves).
Time is rolling on, and the penny is dropping with a lot more men.
I think we are getting closer to forming actual groups, who will support and work in conjunction with our fantastic M.R.A web sites.
There are people out there now - fighting the female supremacists and the corrupt infrastructure that cradles them.
Lawyers are wealthy, Judges and politicians are multi-millionaires. - None of them have got there by giving.
I think a lot of these people we look up too are in reality our enemies.
These political's have been cashing in on our forefathers sacrifices, for their orgy of grotesque greed and narcissism.
I believe men need to start talking to each other. Men do not just solely exist to provide for woman or the powerful.
I call this possible men's group 'antifeminist' for good reason.
Just to say 'Men's Group' will make any real progress impossible.
It will attract the holistic inner-warrior and mythical masculinity men.
These lost and lonely upper middle class types, embrace the invisible.
Rather than face the ever growing limitations put upon their lives by woman.
I would like to make it clear, Men are welcome to the antifeminist group too share.
I think the whole point is a place to talk to other men.
To build confidence and trust, a network and fellowship for men against the lies and injustices. Propagated against all males, by privileged corrupt and prejudice woman. The female supremacists.
Any activism should be by choice alone.
Any positive movement should respectful to its members, we should never be a cult that forces individualizes directly into hostile public exposure for the benefit of the cause.
I know feminists are hostile abusive, organized and violent.
I know the law is there to protect them, and reward them when they lie.
It is precisely why I think men need to start communicating with each other, we can protect each other.
Take Care, Rod.
Creating A Mens Antifeminist London Group - Hello again Matt,
Hi Matt,
thanks for putting the item up. I know about the alanon twelve step program. I have gone there in the past myself.
I have written a follow-up to the post. I was concerned men might think that full-on-activism was all I am about its not.
Compassion for male people, boys and men counteracting our own ugly stereotypes and assumptions we have, as well as their sexist hate .
Men respecting and valuing other men. And getting into the habit of helping one another, for all men's benefit.
Building an awareness of female hypocrisy, and reversing the rolls to see if woman's attitude's and behavior would be exceptable if the shoe was on the other foot. Is the basic wake-up call we can use.
I really can't see myself changing a lot of woman's attitudes towards men. They have to much invested in such blatant prejudice.
To justify their entitlements and hide their own wrong doings, - too ever willingly change.
The only way forward is to change men's views about men.
They can't look down on us if we don't carry them.
If there is no response for the Antifeminism Group, I would like to continue the request each month in MensActivism until something happens. If anything it could help get the ball rolling in other parts of the world.
If you felt my follow up post could have been improved please let me know Matt.
Hello Mr VanHuizen this is Rod,
I have never used face book.
I will find out how it works. - Call me old fashioned!
Rod replying,
Hunchback, - Did you say org? For god sake don't bring that here!
Rod, you've got a good idea.
Rod, you've got a good idea. How many men do you need to get things started?
Antifeminist group.
I will need more than just me!
Three to four guys or founders, would be a start. Ten guys, over time would make a respectful working culture easier to establish.
Must be antifeminist men, have a compassion for mens rights and a preferable knowledge of M.R.A sites.
Are you interested to meet?
I agree with Hunchback
I agree with Hunchback (first comment above). I think that the 'men's groups' with women running them, are placing these women there due to chivalry (or something very close to it).
I agree with Hunchback -2
Yes I agree, which is why I am trying to start motivating men to start up. I don't have much of a response yet.
I worry men may think I am too negative. I see an amazing bright future for men if men were to turn away from female blackmailing and brainwashing.
Men in some other cultures value each other, over and above what females say.
If men stopped providing and listening to woman, and we started listening and helping each other so much of our pointless unhappiness could be avoided.
Yet we believe what most woman say about each other automatically.
There is so much potential to enjoy lives if we could unlearn the trap, of the forced responsibility over us, by those who have no responsibility (what-so-ever) towards us.
Remember woman can't successfully look down on you if you don't carry them!
The org comment was a joke,
Org is a term used by Scientology and as far as I know they are still classified as a cult in the UK.
I appreciate your understanding of a grass-roots men's movement.
Knowing how to use men, - and understanding what it is to be a man, are very different things. (Something only thinking men can understand)
Even with stupid woman (especially so), they have the self opinionated, omnipresence that can/will take over the movements purpose to dominate the group.
More importantly I believe all woman have a invested interest, in pulling-the-wool over men's eyes .
Using so many levels of emotional blackmail, distress, blame and aggression, in quick fire succession to keep men off balance and prevent us from seeing things clearly, what is what - and whose side she is really on.
The much higher voice, - and the emotional manipulation will center-stage her opinion, any questioning of her 'facts' by any man, is seen as a challenge to her (quickly gained) position.This is seen as male aggression, therefore motivating protection. There is also the danger and the likelihood she will create a loyal following around herself rather quickly.
The group purpose at first subtlety changes, and then becomes totally changed. Her personal agenda for power, her loyalty to her own gender, her female prospective on men, and a the favoritism for her supporting followers will be, her way forward.
The founding men leave, or are driven out by bullying, antagonism and underhand rumor. Which she initiates.
By gaining strong support from naive men and her growing gang of females. Also by claiming personal victimization to any challange, and her needing immediate protection to save her female vulnerability, and all her charitable efforts.
The original purpose to challenge injustices and improve mens lives is lost.
The reality is she becomes a very successful woman who has perverted the purpose, muddied all honest debate about men's issues, and woman's roll in it.
As well promoted herself into well payed employment being an expert spokeswoman for men.
All this over the initial work of real Mens Rights Activists. and good passionate men.
P/s - did I mention that the staff and volunteers go from being: effective male volunteers to ineffective female payed employees of a Recognized Charity.
Are all woman like this? - No but the banner of good charitable work attracts ambitious woman like this. I have been there!
Just as places for the care of people, can attract cruel people.
Yes, or somewhat
Yes, or somewhat alternatively, I can envision such a group as eventually heading in the direction of that which Stephen Baskerville's group was headed in as of a couple years ago: all the good people eventually leaving, with the remaining group being nothing but a corrupt rotted core of those interested mainly in inter-group politics, with no real goal. (I think his group was called ACFC. He wrote an open letter to them a while back stating his displeasure with what the group had become - he had left earlier due to other commitments - but I'm not sure if the letter straightened them out).
One MRA hit it right on the nose when he said that the vast majority of women are self-serving, and the vast majority of men are weak and shallow.
axolotl ACFC comment,
Did the ACFC have woman in it?
I have volunteered for a charity organization before for almost two years. As horrible sexist as it sounds I will never volunteer myself to work with woman again. The totally unexpected irrational treachery, the lying and deceit from a woman I had done so much for!
This was the last straw for me which is why I am trying to start up this London Men's antifeminist group.
The ACFC had women but I'm
The ACFC had women but I'm not sure how many of them were left by the time things got really bad. I do know that a couple of good women did leave because of the problems. Not all women are bad, I'm just not sure it's a good idea to place one in charge of a men's group (or sub-group). Eventually something will happen, like the chivalrous guy in the group will try and curry favor with her, or what is more likely to happen, as I have observed on boards including this one, is that when we get the occasional woman on here who is sympathetic, if one of the guys disagrees with her all the other guys defend her and gang up on him. (Though I don't recall having seen this happen with Kris). The fact is that we all, both men and women, have an unspoken mandate to 'big up' women (whereas we 'do down' men). It is hard-wired within our individual psychologies, and thus can never be completely avoided.