Ruling expected on US man's Brazil custody fight

Story here. Excerpt:

'RIO DE JANEIRO – Brazil's Supreme Court chief justice is expected to rule Tuesday on an appeal that a U.S. father hopes will reunite him with his young son after a five-year custody battle.

A Supreme Court official said Tuesday afternoon that the decision by Chief Justice Gilmar Mendes would be issued before the end of the day. It originally was set for release Monday, but was delayed for unexplained reasons. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to discuss the case.

David Goldman, a New Jersey man who has pledged to fight for his 9-year-old son, Sean, as long as it takes, was still holding out hope of being reunited in time to celebrate the holidays with his son in the United States.

Mendes will rule on appeals made by Goldman and Brazil's attorney general seeking to lift a stay on a lower court's order that Sean be handed over to his father.'

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