Double standard on domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'Herein lies the troubling paradox of the situation. Only one national writer, Hanna Rosin of Slate Magazine, has written about the domestic violence implications of the situation. Why is Woods in seclusion? Florida is one of many states where police responding to domestic violence calls have the power to arrest based on their own assessment as to who the likely aggressor is, without allegations or charges from the victim. Most important, the legislation states: “The decision to arrest and charge shall not require the consent of the victim or consideration of the relationship of the parties.”

I think the reason he refused to talk with local police, and the reason he hasn’t been seen in public, and probably won’t for several more weeks, is because his injuries were obviously inconsistent with the car crash scenario. His very sharp and well-paid attorneys and agents moved quickly to contain the situation and avoid the even more embarrassing scenario of his wife being hauled off to jail.

The national discussion almost completely overlooks this angle. Almost every female national commentator writing about or discussing the situation has one of two responses: He got what he deserved, or it’s none of our business. My own informal survey of women locally shows the same attitudes.

If the police encountered a similar situation at a trailer park instead of a gated community, would it be handled the same way? If it was Tiger Woods holding the golf club and his wife going to the hospital, would it be handled the same way? If he wasn’t one of the most famous professional athletes of our times, would it have been handled the same way?'

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