"Guyland" book review hits nail on the head
Review on Amazon.com here. The book is Guyland: The Perilous World Where Boys Become Men. The author of the review, Peter Allemano, is a long-time MRA, and is known for his cogent writing on these matters. Well worth the time. Excerpt:
'Ostensibly a concerned but kindly portrait of young American males, the book is actually a scathing, unforgiving indictment. Indeed, an in-depth analysis of how adroitly Kimmel has crafted his monumental insult of young American males and impugned their dignity -- while patting himself on the back for being simultaneously insightful and avuncular -- is the stuff of a doctor's thesis with potential to run for more pages than the book itself. This review constitutes but a brief glance at a few of the salient points that such a thesis would highlight.
It is through a combination of neatly interwoven tacks that Kimmel navigates the tricky process of passing off a brutal -- and very shallow -- portrait of young males as a thoughtful assessment.
The overall structure of the book, in and of itself, constitutes Kimmel's primary tack. Focusing, in sequence, upon various unseemly aspects of Guyland -- the term Kimmel has coined to demark the social and psychological world of males approximately 16 to 26 years in age -- he carefully cushions his words with polite disclaimers.'
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"'If I could have one wish for my own sons, it is that they should have the courage of women.'" (p. xvii) "
For this quote alone (and the curse that he put upon his son for using it) this guy Kimmel should be hung in effigy.
Thank the lord for guys like Peter Allemano that can take this beta-male to task the way that he did.
Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.
Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5
Men like Kimmel should be
Men like Kimmel should be strung up.
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