UK: Women go online to share child sex-abuse fantasies

Article here. Excerpt:

'Thousands of women appear to be using the internet to share sexual fantasies of abuse involving children.

An investigation by The Independent on Sunday found a series of websites that depict female-perpetrated child abuse as "natural, educational and enjoyable" for children.

Users log into online forums to meet other "like-minded" web users and to share personal childhood experiences about sexual acts with adults that they say include mothers, teachers and babysitters. User profiles on one website monitored by the IoS claimed to be those of teachers, doctors and retired grandmothers with an interest in "young girls" and "lesbian incest".

The postings on such sites – assuming they are not posted by men – run counter to the widely held belief that female abusers are either anomalies or feel forced into such depravity by abusive men. Many of the users appear to have easy access to children and describe deriving sexual gratification from sharing their fantasises.

Carol Clarke, 46, will also be sentenced this week in Grimsby after she admitted following boys and girls and abusing them in public toilets.

Dr Anne Carpenter, a clinical and forensic psychologist in Glasgow, said: "The internet is presenting clinicians with completely new dilemmas and new questions. We don't know if interaction on these websites translates into offences, but while many may be able to stop at the fantasy level, we cannot ignore these sites and assume people won't act on these fantasies. They may be fewer in number, but women are as accountable for their actions as men. Being a victim of abuse doesn't mean a woman can't be dangerous."
Susannah Faithfull (no connection to the Faithfull Foundation) survived years of sexual and physical abuse perpetrated by her mother. Her therapy service, Aurora, has received a 25 per cent jump in calls from survivors of female abuse since news of Vanessa George's crimes.'

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Just let that sink in for a second.

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This is not a shock. It's only a shock to women and floppy hand manginas who believe men = bad, women = good. Women have been doing this forever. Feminists and how they've portrayed sexual abuse as solidly involving only men, have allowed women to continue abusing and getting away with it. The shroud of "women don't do that" created by feminists will continue to allow women to get away with abuse for many more years to come.

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Society is very unwilling to accept the idea that women do ANYTHING deviant without some evil man forcing them to.

So it's only natural to assume that women posting pedophilic stories online must really be men in disguise.

I love their logic that these forums may be harmless because no women were arrested last year of the 115 people caught in online stings. Then the next sentence explains that the cops looking for online child abuse were not even aware of these sites. No wonder no arrests were made. Can't catch what you are not looking for can you?

Well, it won't be long until women finally take the title from men in the one and only category of child abuse that men have lead in perpetrating - sexual abuse. You go girls.

Maybe once women catch up and surpass men in that category (if they haven't already), society will finally be forced to re-evaluate its pre-conceived notions that women are inherently good and men inherently evil. I mean they already have us guys beat in every other form of child abuse there is, but it's just that this we have elevated sexual abuse to the status of 'cause of all the world's ills'. So it won't be till the girls catch up (they already probably have men beat it's just no one reports it) in the statistics in that area of child mistreatment that society will have to acknowledge that PEOPLE do bad things, not just men.

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