American Thinker: 'Radical feminism's attack on manhood in America'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Over the years, radical feminism has been attempting to demonize any display of testosterone. The slightest aggressive behavior is taken to the ultimate extreme portraying males as abusers. Their goal clearly is to wimpify maleness.
Whether feminists like it or not, boys are designed to display strength, power and bond with other males. This is why so many fatherless boys join gangs. While I assume some kids truly are hyperactive, I wonder how many boys are being drugged simply for acting like boys?
Even fatherhood is no longer honored and respected. I find it difficult to enjoy sitcoms and movies where the kids totally disrespect the father. They chastise and say whatever they want to him. The message is clear, "Dad is an idiot" -- a far cry from the classic TV show, "Father Knows Best".

To a certain degree, radical feminists have been successful in their quest to wimpify American men. You see it in everything from the way news stories are covered to national political issues. We are overly concerned with feelings rather than doing the right thing.'

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