Don't let your children watch "family" programming promoting hate

We all know the media's misandristic portrayal of men as slow-witted, obtuse, brainless beasts is pervasive. Even worse, most "family" programming - ABC Family and the Disney channel as examples - will teach your children that men are stupid and women are the wiser, more intelligent sex. They will also teach your daughters to dress provocatively and obsess over boys and your sons to care about only one thing - sex. I just saw a minute long commercial for a show on ABC Family that portrayed high school students deciding to skip school because algebra was unimportant. The girls were made up like prostitutes in skimpy shorts and the boys looked like anime characters, promoting superficiality.

Even the movies on these channels persist in portraying males as blundering idiots. Santa Baby 2 portrayed Santa, all the male elves, and Jenny McCarthy's little lumberjack-looking boytoy as completely inept, weak-willed, idiotic Neanderthals. Every woman - Jenny McCarthy, Mrs. Claus, and the evil elf - was portrayed as incredibly intelligent, smart, and powerful.

When Jenny - Santa's daughter - was upset with him, she became frustrated and pushed him causing him to hit his head and say "ouch". Of course, this is funny because it's only female on male violence.

Part of the reason society's views on women's and men's rights are in such a terrible state is that the media pushes radical anti-male ideals without any checks or balances. Worse yet they perpetuate these myths in what is supposed to be wholesome family programming, infusing misandry in our children from the day they are born.

What happened to Sesame Street, to the original Jungle Book, to Mary Poppins, to wholesome family programming in general? And we wonder why children act the way they do today....

My call to action?

1) Don't let your kids watch the Disney channel or ABC Family or any other station that promotes misandry.
2) Educate your children about the state of men's and women's rights in today's society. Awareness is the first step in promoting change.
3) Express your concerns directly to these "family" stations. My letter to ABC family is below. Click here to send your own.


I was offended by the rampant misandry present in the ABC Family programming. The ABC Family movie Santa Baby 2 portrays all males as inept and unintelligent and condones female on male violence as acceptable and comical. In addition I witnessed a commercial for an ABC Family series which portrayed high school boys and girls - who dress like provocative men and women - deciding to skip school because their classes were unimportant. This is not what I would expect from programming meant for families and children. I must protest and inform you that my children will never watch programming that promotes hatred based on gender, devalues the importance of education, and is infused with sexual innuendo. Specifically, they will never watch ABC Family as long as it continues to espouse immoral ideas. I will also be sure to tell my friends and family with children about what I saw today so that they may spare their own children from viewing the poison you call "family" programming.

Thank you,
Jay Hammers

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