Phyllis Schlafly: Feminist Vendetta Against Men's Sports

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the Bill Clinton administration, another aggressive feminist, Norma Cantu, ran the Education Department's Civil Rights Office and essentially made "proportionality" the only test that matters for Title IX compliance by colleges that must cut their sports budgets. She used the power of the bureaucracy and activist judges to threaten college athletic departments.

Colleges have every reason to fear lawsuits from failure to kowtow to feminist dictates. Losing a lawsuit means the college must pay the feminist lawyers' attorneys' fees and suffer adverse publicity.

The feminists forced colleges to cancel men's teams until the number of men and women on sports teams has the same ratio as the number of men and women enrolled in academic classes. This resulted in abolishing hundreds of men's athletic teams, especially sports at which men excel, many of them trophy-winning teams.
Reducing opportunities for college sports is a powerful disincentive to men and is a major cause of the dramatic drop in male attendance. Why bother attending college if men can't play the sport they love?'

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What's all this stuff lately about paying the other party's fees if you lose a lawsuit or something? It seems to me that about the only time that should happen is in a case, such as a criminal one, if the prosecution was unethical, such as if they hid important evidence - then they (or the state) should pay the defendant's legal fees.

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