Feministing: SNL Tiger Woods Skit and DV Issues

Blog post here. Excerpt:

'I'm not sure if this has been discussed already. there's a new SNL skit that you can watch on hulu:

at first when i watched it i did laugh at the "breaking news" aspect and mockery of the situation. but soon i was just disturbed at the way it mocked domestic violence. if there's a possibility that Tiger Woods's wife really assaulted him, then we shouldn't be making light of the situation, no matter how many shocking extra marital affairs he has. besides that, the violence joked about in the skit was serious and can't be made fun of in any domestic violence situation.

I certainly wouldn't have appreciated any jokes about rihanna. So I don't want to see a double standard when the violence is the other way around.

Also, I was going to post this under "domestic violence" category, but alas, Feministing has "violence against women" not "domestic violence." time to add another category!'

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