U.S. Civil Rights Commission Investigates College Admission Bias

Story here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is investigating whether college admission offices are discriminating against female applicants to achieve gender balance in their student bodies.

College enrollment rates for women have increased over the past 20 years. In 2005, 57 percent of the 17.5 million undergraduate students enrolled in college were women, and the National Center for Education Statistics projects that by 2016, 60 percent of all college students will be female. The increase in female applicants has meant that at some selective colleges, they are rejected in higher percentages than male applicants are. "We hope to start a conversation on how to deal with it," says Gail Heriot, one of the group's commissioners and a law professor at the University of San Diego.

The commission would not give the names of the schools it is investigating but said that it is focusing on a sample group of 10 to 20 within a 100-mile radius of Washington.
Some experts argue that the commission's probe could be misguided. Lisa Maatz, director of public policy at the Washington-based American Association of University Women, says that expanding socioeconomic diversity on campus is more important. "We need to help impoverished boys and girls to improve educational outcomes and have equal opportunity," Maatz says.'

Phyllis Schlafly takes this report up in a more recent article here.

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... if it favors males in any beneficial way. White ones especially. Phyllis, after all this time, shouldn't you know this?

If the ratio of males:females in combat in Afghanistan happens to be 50:1, or 100:1, then that's OK. Unless that ratio includes some kind of preferential hiring treatment for veterans, in which case, women have to be lumped in there also, regardless of their veteran status. And non-whites. Soon to come, non-heterosexuals, too.

When this time comes, I wonder if I can claim to be gay or bi and get a hiring preference someplace? How would I prove that, I wonder? Would I have to French kiss some guy walking around the office or something? Or will it be more like an episode of Bosom Buddies?

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How come it wasn't bias when it was the other way around?


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Affirmative action based on race, gender, or anything else will never work. It attempts to solve a fundamental problem with society too far downstream. You can't solve the gender bias against men by denying more women entry into college. You have to fix the feminized education system upstream, when boys are only a few years old, so that when they grow to be men they have a fair chance.

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Affirmative action is also morally wrong, because it merely replaces one type of discrimination with another.


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