UK: School children give 'thumbs up' to domestic violence education

Article here. Excerpt:

'In the light of controversy about domestic violence education, a survey of schoolchildren in London has revealed their views on the subject.

Arts education organisation Tender, part of charity Until the Violence Stops, gives a voice to young people in the debate around domestic violence education.

The study, which looks at education that aims to change attitudes around domestic violence, reveals that following a drama workshop programme on the subject with school pupils aged between 13 and 15, almost nine out of 10 students (89%) said they enjoyed the workshops exploring issues of domestic violence and 90% understood more about the issues of domestic violence.
A 15-year-old boy who had completed the course said: "I have enjoyed this project and would do it again," while a 16-year-old boy stated: "It has made a difference to my way of thinking."
Shaun Baker, head of drama at Ravenswood School for Boys, in Bromley, said: "The boys very quickly matured in their response to difficult and emotional subject matter."'

The group sponsoring this educational initiative is called Tender.

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I have no problems with teaching teens to be non-violent to each other in relationships. It's the "each other" part that is usually missing though from these things.

I went to the site and it seemed blissfully free of the usual bull$hit stats. However it said nothing about the content of these workshops except in a very general sense.

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Sorry Matt,I may just be wrong but I seem to remember back when they were planning these "tender" sessions.It may have been a media column but it definitely gave the reasons for
these sessions as male on female violence so I pass.

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