UK: MENS Society becomes official Union society

Story here. Excerpt:

'The MENS society has been officially recognised by the University of Manchester Students’ Union, following a change of name as requested by the union.

The acronym, MENS, stands for masculinity, exploration, networking and support. Society founder and chair Ben Wild said: “The agreement reached with the Societies Committee is an amicable and positive one, as the name and goals of the society remain virtually intact, with the slight change [of] making our intentions more lucid to the outsider than they were before. Hopefully now the controversy can die down and the MENS Society can get on with what it is meant for: doing genuine and practical good.”
Critics of the group have claimed that the very existence of the MENS society would be harmful to the work of women’s groups who campaign for equal rights and would merely allow a respectable facade to be granted to a group that otherwise endorse stereotypical macho activities. UMSU Women’s Officer, Hazel Kent said: “The MENS society must stay focussed on addressing the social construct of gender and men’s health rather than a misperceived lack of men’s rights if it is to avoid hindering women’s liberation and women’s rights campaigns.”'

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What rights do men have that women don't? Again, $20 by PayPal.


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The right to die in a foreign country in times of war against your will?

The right to grow up without all the 'icky gross' (as women tend to describe it) skin covering the end of your penis in some half witted attempt to stem the spread of an STD?

The right do the worst jobs humanly imaginable? Try telling a miner he has an easier job then a stripper when he still makes less a year then her

Hell in my province, women even have the right to walk topless in public cause men could. None of them exercise that right but they fought all the way to the supreme court to get it just cause men had it.

Yeah, Ax I think you you should put that $20 in a savings account because it will be along time before some one can actually claim it.

But awesome job by the MENS society for getting officially recognized status at the university! Keep up the good work men!

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What about the 'right' to be president? Oh yeah, you still have to earn is not a right.


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In Canada Governor General is technically the highest political position in the land and the position is currently held by radical feminist woman who was not even born in Canada.

That and we've had a female Prime Minister already as well, and we have currently a female Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.

So there really can't be any claims that ANY position of power is out of reach of females here.

So why do we still have the Governmental agency Status of Women Canada to ensure equality of women? Should that agency not be disbanded now that women have successfully achieved every high post of political/judicial power this country has to offer? Once you've reached the top posts in the land what more can you possibly cry inequality about?

The largest economic power in the EU also, currently has a female Chancellor. Women have already achieved some of the WORLD'S most powerful and influential jobs, yet also successfully avoided all the dirty work that us beasts of burden (men) are forced to do.

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Women will always claim there are glass ceilings. For example, there has yet to be an over-60 woman to swim the English channel in winter, while towing a string of rubber ducks by her teeth and wearing a propeller beanie. Hey wait a minute...does that sound like these leaders you're talking about?


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