UK: 'Men's groups are fine by me, sister'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Groups such as the MENS society (Masculinity Exploring Networking and Support) at the University of Manchester and Oxford University's MC-O (Man Collective-Oxford) have been caught in a maelstrom of feminist outrage. Here in Manchester, the MENS society has had just about everything thrown in its way to stop it being formalised as a society, from condemnatory letters from the NUS women's officer to a squabble over the suitability of its original name.
While, undoubtedly, there must still be concerns about how genuine the welfare-based aims of the MENS society and their Oxford brethren may prove to be, it seems that a whole lot of valuable feminist energy has been directed at prohibiting groups like these – and to what end? Now the MENS society is formally established (and making national headlines to boot), it seems that all that has been achieved is a rather soured relationship between those defending women's rights and those who would tackle enduring male stereotypes. Hardly a brick in the road to true gender equality.
...The fact that women are effectively legislated into assuming the role of primary carer by a lack of comprehensive paternity leave allowance is precisely the kind of issue that feminists and men's support groups should be tackling together. But that would be far too logical now, wouldn't it?'

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It sounds to me like the writer is that saying something of value would have been achieved, if the men's group had been stopped.


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