Wall Street Journal: The Continuing Feminist Experiment

Article here. Penned in 1994, still a good read today. Excerpt:

'In any work that requires skill or confers status, men's jobs and women's jobs have been distinct and separate throughout all but the last few decades of history, in all cultures and civilizations. The belief that women's jobs and women's social status were always inferior to men's -- practically an article of faith today -- is a half-truth at best. Rather, men competed with men, women with women. In knowledge work today, however, men and women increasingly do the same jobs and are competing and working collegially in the same arena.

Historically, women have always worked as hard as men. A farmer had to have a wife. And a woman on the farm had to have a husband. Neither could run a farm alone. ...

But, historically, men and women did the same work only when it was menial. Men and women both dug ditches, and they worked together. Men and women both picked cotton in the fields. ...'

Ed. note: If you can't see the whole article due to the page saying you need to subscribe, you can see it here in the Google cache. (If the ancient Egyptians had just had Google, they wouldn't have worried so much about whether or not they would live forever in an afterlife not too different from the one here, for they would have known by example that indeed all was eternal. :)

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