Vanier Institute of the Family report upholds two-parent model

Article here. Excerpt:

'Those problems, as I have often noted in my harangues on the need for fathers in children’s lives, include an increased risk of behavioural difficulties, school dropout, criminal activity, future intimacy issues, unemployment, lost contact with families – and of course poverty.

This report (link added) will go far in dispelling the ideology-driven myth that children of divorce or growing up in single-parent households are no worse off than if they were living with married, biological parents.

So the bottom line is that for children, married is better. If not married, then equal parenting is best. Divorce does not always bring happiness. Marriage is a sign of commitment in a way that cohabitation is not. If you stick with a marriage long enough, you find that it’s really not as bad as you thought.'


Ed. note: The Vanier Institute was established in 1965 by the Governor-General of Canada at the time, H.E. Georges Vanier, and Pauline Vanier, the First Lady. As such it does not hold a marginal place in governmental social policy formulation in Canada. (Search link here for references to the Institute on the government site). I think this report can be scored as a win for FRAs.

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