Very Weak Magnetic Fields Lower Sperm Quality

Article here. Excerpt:

"A study has found that household chores including using a vacuum cleaner or microwave oven – could reduce a mans chances of having children.

Researchers exposed male volunteers to electromagnetic fields high doses of which are produced by all electrically charged objects, including refrigerators and vacuum cleaners and found such exposure could double the risk of having poor-quality sperm.
He said of the research, due to be published in January in the journal Reproductive Toxicology:

‘This is the first study to show a link between measured electromagnetic fields and poor semen quality in humans, which may provide a logical explanation for why we have seen reductions in sperm quality in men over the past century.’

Although the study did not look at what was producing the magnetic fields, electrical appliances – especially those containing motors such as hairdryers – produce high frequencies and therefore strong magnetic fields.'

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