California Activist Alert: Legislation to ban PAS for consideration in child custody matters pending

Article here. Excerpt:

'Along with organizations like the Child Advocacy Center, the Leadership Council on Child Abuse and Interpersonal Violence and the California Protective Parents Association, the CJE believes there is a crisis in the family courts, and that abused children are being handed over to their abusers. One CJE study claims that 38 percent of fathers who are identified as perpetrators of abuse receive full custody of their children.

That statistic, and many others cited by these organizations, could not be independently verified. But there enough evidence of a problem that Sacramento lawmakers, including San Jose Assemblymember Jim Beall Jr., are calling for changes to state law regarding parental custody disputes.

Members of the Center for Judicial Excellence say one serious problem in family courts is that highly disputable, nonscientific theories are used as evidence in the courtroom, and frequently carry a huge amount of weight in many cases. The new law, co-sponsored by Beall, specifically bars theories such as the often-used "parent alienation syndrome" from child custody cases.

Beall sat alongside Anderson during a panel discussion at last week's meeting, where he talked about his Assembly Bill 612, which proposes a solution to problems in family court by establishing evidence standards. If A.B. 612 passes, courts will be prohibited from considering these unproven theories when deciding child custody or visitation rights. A.B. 612 will also eliminate training in these theories from Judicial Council–approved education for family court professionals.'


Ed. note: Hyperlinks added. At the moment, despite being passed in the Assembly, it looks like the bill remains unaddressed in the state Senate Judiciary Committee. Bills can be tracked here, however, and California activists may want to revisit that or the status link regularly and/or express their opinions about it to their state senators pro-actively.

It does not look like the bill has had a Senate bill number assigned to it, so tracking it via key words like "nonscientific theories" or the A.B. 612 Assembly bill number must suffice for now.

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How do you know these fathers are abusive? Because mom claimed he was?

What if she claims he was but the judge decides she's lying? Wouldn't it be reasonable to hold that against her in a custody decision, that she was willing to perjure herself in order to win custody?

What this amounts to is forcing the court to treat all claims of abuse as true because mom's sacred entitlement to the children and child support is not always a sure thing. It would create yet another bias in favor of mom.

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He's a Democrat.

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And? I'm a democrat, I still support men's rights principles. Plenty of anti-male legislation has been passed by Republicans under the guise of protecting traditional family values, which tend to view men as less relevant than mothers in raising kids. This shouldn't need to be a political debate

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"Plenty of anti-male legislation has been passed by Republicans under the guise of protecting traditional family values, which tend to view men as less relevant than mothers in raising kids."

Radical feminists live in the Democrat party, especially in California. This one is very much a political issue as are many. If you've got examples of Republicans passing anti-father legislation, then post it. I don't have a problem with that. We should be exposing who's doing what. Shame on both parties.

Family Law Is A National Disgrace

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Hopefully Parental Alienation will be added to the DSM.

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If you're a democrat how can you support men's rights when the democrats are the ones who promote, fund and devise feminist legislation? Of course conservatives support a lot of "womens rights" cowshit, but democrats/leftists are the engineers of femimist doctrine. Being a democrat and supporting men's rights is a paradox. If the men's movement is made of guys like that then no wonder the mens rights movement is so ineffective in getting things done.

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"Being a democrat and supporting men's rights is a paradox. If the men's movement is made of guys like that then no wonder the mens rights movement is so ineffective in getting things done."

No, the problem is guys who are divisive and turn men's rights into a political issue, and thus scare away leftists such as myself and ItsDan. The only reason we put up with that kind of b.s. is because that from feminists is even worse, so we are used to hot air in general.

You talk as if any given member of a political party supports anything and everything the party's leaders come up with. You're probably also talking to a guy who doesn't have much say in the matter.


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"No, the problem is guys who are divisive and turn men's rights into a political issue"

Men's rights isn't a political issue? You can't be serious. You're out of your mind. Is it just an illusion that politicians, predominately leftists (who are feminists) have been using the state to steadily remove fathers from families? To support single mothers with taxpayers money, implement corrupt biased family court laws, corrupt domestic violence laws, deliberately undermine boys education by warping the system in favour of girls, affirmitive action against men in the workplace, fund feminist organisations and on and on. These agendas have been the nucleus of leftist thought, implemented and dreamed up by left-wing politicians and voted for by women and mangina "new men". To claim to support men's rights all the while supporting the exact ideology that is undermining men's rights is ludicrous. Men's rights is a political issue. It is not being divisive to state an inconsistency when you see one.

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You're still doing what I said, jumping the gun and assuming all left-leaners are 'pro-feminist by definition'. You know I'm really surprised, cause I had you figured for kind of intelligent.

But my main question is, what exactly is your point? Okay, we know that historically the far left was an incubator for feminism. And we know that Democrats such as Biden are more likely to vote for things such as VAWA. So??? What is your point? An MRA is someone who fights Biden on VAWA. So what if that MRA didn't think we should go to Iraq? So what if that MRA wants to legalize pot? Maybe the MRA is not a one-issue voter.

What you need to do is take a breath and step back for a moment, and consider this: the politicization of the MR movement is whatever you make it to be! There's nothing there, except what's in your mind.

p.s. I didn't vote for Obama but that's not the point.

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Most people are far more centric than the party they identify as anyways. It's the outliers that get all the attention, that's all. It does nothing for any movement when people begin to make giant assumptions about a whole group based on stereotypes or the outliers of a group. It's no better than when feminists make broad assumptions about all men.

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