New warning on 'perfect vaginas'

Article here. Boys get their genital skin removed without consultation, long before the age where they can give consent, and it's practically a mandate from the UN to keep doing it, if not speed it up. Adult women however choose to get their genitalia altered for cosmetic reasons and what few risks there are to the procedure become front-page news. At least the risk they are choosing to take does not include the real possibility of their genitalia being completely removed "by accident". Excerpt:

'Women are undergoing surgery to create perfect genitalia amid a "shocking" lack of information on the potential risks of the procedure, a report says.

Research published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology also questions the very notion of aesthetically pleasing genitals.

Operations to improve the appearance of the sex organs for both psychological and physical reasons are on the rise.

But surgeons said the report overplayed the risks of an established procedure.

Researchers from University College London reviewed all the existing studies on cosmetic labial surgery - which generally involves reducing the amount of tissue that protrudes from the lips which cover the vagina. They found there had been little work to document any longer-term side effects.'

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....They'll find away to blame men for vaginal insecurity.

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And now women are getting surgeries to fix their ugly pussies.

I bet there will be campaigns to get the procedure funded by medicare lol.

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