Hofstra gal feared being branded a tramp after romp

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Hofstra freshman who had a raunchy restroom romp and then cried rape made up the twisted tale because she didn't want her schoolmates -- particularly her new boyfriend -- to think she was easy, the beau told The Post yesterday.

"I think she needs a psychologist. She probably felt like, 'They'll think I'm a slut,' " her boyfriend, who asked not to be identified, told The Post.

Danmell Ndonye, 18, who had accused five men of gang rape, admitted the truth only when prosecutors confronted her after learning of a cellphone video that captured the whole sordid episode and showed she had willingly participated, officials said.

She created her outlandish tale when her boyfriend, a Hofstra student who's been dating her since the semester began a few weeks ago, demanded to know where she had disappeared after a wild frat party early Sunday.'

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We'll never really know what happened in that room, unless we ask Nancy Grace. Maybe what really happened was, she was raped by all five guys!


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