Ex-astronaut pleads guilty in attack on rival

Via Jeremy S.: And if you are a man in Canada or the USA or the UK, Australia, New Zealand et al ask yourself honestly what would your legal position under these same conditions and criteria? Story here. Excerpt:

'ORLANDO, Fla. — A former astronaut pleaded guilty Tuesday to attacking a romantic rival in an airport parking lot after driving 1,000 miles from Houston to Orlando to confront her.

Lisa Nowak, a Navy captain, pleaded guilty to felony burglary and misdemeanour battery. She originally had been charged with two felonies, attempted kidnapping and burglary, along with misdemeanour battery.

Nowak confronted her romantic rival, Colleen Shipman, in the parking lot of Orlando International Airport in February 2007 after driving from Houston. Shipman had begun dating Nowak’s love interest, former space shuttle pilot Bill Oefelein.

Nowak, wearing a wig and trenchcoat, followed Shipman to the parking lot and tried to get into her car, then attacked her with pepper spray. Shipman was able to drive away.

Police arrested Nowak a short time later in the parking lot near a trash can where she was seen getting rid of a bag. Police officers found a steel mallet, a knife, a BB pistol, rubber tubing and several large garbage bags in Nowak’s bag.

“Almost three years later, I’m still reeling from her vicious attack,” Shipman told the judge after Nowak’s plea, holding back tears. “I know in my heart when Lisa Nowak attacked me, she was going to kill me.'

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If the army sets lower standards for screening and testing women, why shouldn't NASA do the same? They have to meet a quota, just like anywhere else.


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