American Prospect: 'What's the Alternative to Tucker Max?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'The roomful of young men was brainstorming all the qualities associated with masculinity. Wong was one of the organizers of the National Conference for Campus-Based Men's Gender Equality and Anti-Violence Groups, a long and clunky name for an unprecedented event that took place last weekend at his school. It was the first time that young guys from around the country -- guys like Wong, who recognize that the kind of masculinity they are describing is toxic for men, too -- gathered to share strategies for getting college men involved in gender-based activism and discuss the work ahead.
This is about so much more than the 200 men who attended this conference. They are on the front lines, but there are legions of progressive men of all ages, all over the country who are struggling to redefine masculinity and live that redefinition every day. They fumble without models but continue on because they know that there is so much to be gained. Guys who reject traditional masculinity, for starters, have a greater chance of finding fulfilling work that isn't just a symbol of their provider status. They might explore the joy of relationships -- being nurturing with their kids, real with their friends, open with their partners. They have the opportunity to shed their socialized skin and all the anxiety that comes with trying to be a "tough guy" and make a happy life defined, not by their paycheck or their size, but by their humanity.'

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Oh my 'effin God.

These poor boys are being brainwashed into feminism through the back door.



Down on your knees, And thank heaven, fasting,
For a good man's love.

Shakespeare, As You Like It III, 5

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What the hell is wrong with Tucker Max? He represents everything that Male freedom and MGTOW stands for. The lifestyle he has lived looked pretty much like mine before I was enslaved by a woman who "accidentally" got pregnant and was yoked with a son. Abet a little less extreme. Although only a little.

"Guys who reject traditional masculinity, for starters, have a greater chance of finding fulfilling work that isn't just a symbol of their provider status."

Who exactly did Tucker Max provide for? The only thing that I can think even came close is when he paid for a woman to get an abortion; which, is more like making an investment then providing for someone. Which would cost more shelling out $300 for an abortion; or, paying a lifetime of financially crippling child support payments to some skank and her bastard child?

Also if these idiots did their research Tucker Max graduated law school, passed the bar, and then decided to become a writer because although being a lawyer paid well it was a miserable job. What do you think the chances would be of him changing careers to be a writer after he graduated law school, and passed the bar if he had a wife and a couple of kids. Almost none, if his wife had any say.

"They might explore the joy of relationships"

So apparently these metrosexuals actually believe that men aren't forced to become providers when they are in committed relationships; but, are made to provide for other people when they are single and child free. What planet do they live on? Most men can't be happy in long term committed relationships. Men are hardwired to have sex with as many females as possible in order to spread our genes as far as possible, and insure the survival of our genetic line. Monogamy is an un-natural social construct created to attempt to control peoples behavior. Men are drawn to young, symmetric, in shape women because females with those traits are most likely to produce healthy offspring that are able to survive. You cant expect thousands of years of evolutionary traits to suddenly disappear because someone mother successfully convinced them that real marriages resemble something out of a fairytale. True love is like santa clause and the easter bunny for adults.

"being nurturing with their kids"

I don't want any more children. I didn't want any in the first place. Women are the ones who get baby rabies, men don't.

"real with their friends, open with their partners."

I'm always real with my friends. That's what friends are for. I don't want a commited relationship for reasons I already stated. So being open with my partner doesn't apply.

"They have the opportunity to shed their socialized skin"

If you believe the differences in between the sexes are completely due to social programing then you are denying the obvious.

"all the anxiety that comes with trying to be a 'tough guy'"

So apparently living your life in a way you see fit is trying to be a "tough guy". If someone wants to live the bachelor lifestyle, not be bullied down the isle into a legal arrangement that affords their partner all of the benefits while sticking them with all of the liabilities then that's just common sense.

"... and make a happy life defined, not by their paycheck or their size, but by their humanity."

How about just letting people live in whatever way makes them happy, as long as their not infringing on other peoples life, liberty, or property. If a bunch of repressed homosexuals, and self loathing men want to neuter themselves then that's their business. When they try to force their lifestyle on me then that's mine.

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If these progressive men want to jettison their masculinity they should get castrated. And this constant spewing on about "gender" or as she put it "gender consciousness" is the most fraudulent term for explaining human behaviour and is telling that it is used by feminists and leftists. There is no biological evidence to support the concept of gender or gender identity, it is a concept born out of the social engineers of the sixties. Feminists constant attempts at brainwashing men to believe that some how being a man is an act that we are forced into is laughable, considering all the work that has been on the genetic differences between men and women. The whole concept of gender is a feminist explaination of human behaviour and has no place whatsoever in describing men or masculinity.

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Did the 200 men remove their ball sacks before entering?

Feminists have taken upon themselves to redefine masculinity. These 200 men might as well be lab rats injected with all sorts of deadly chemicals.

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I don't have any problem unless it is used to *bash* traditional masculinity, and also, transcending the traditional masculine role means transcending male disposability, which means speaking out *against* male disposability and discrimination against men, which our traditional role tells us to accept. If these guys really want to transcend traditional masculinity they should be speaking up for men's equal rights.

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that the path to "true" male liberation is to stop worrying about making women go hmnnn? How do expect to be your own person, when your worrying about saying things and projecting an image that makes females go hmnnn? You think the females care what we think?

The last thing men should be doing is trying to use feminism as a template for redefining masculinity. Feminism by its nature treats men as a problem to be fixed, and not part of the solution.

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No, we don't need to redifine or re-engineer masculinity. I have a big problem with what they are doing, which is much more insidious and more harmful than just 'bashing'.


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These faux Men are willingly submitting to emasculation by Feminists who hate Men. Nothing they do will be good enough. And they will be forever considered potential Rapists. Or potential violent abusers of Women. These dullards and morons will be exiled to the Friend Zone. While Masculine Thugs, Players and Bad Boys are spanking the asses of the very Women these guys hope to have a "relationship" with. Women are having Sex with Jerks. And using these Losers as emotional tampons.

This is such laughable nonsense. Now that Men are refusing to play by Women's rules and Men are finally asserting ourselves. The FemBots at and are whining about the Men's movement. Bros before Hoes. The Men's movement has arrived. Feminism will liberate Men from Women's bullshit.

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