George Clooney styled a 'Serial Dater' by CNN

Text and photos here. Notice the way that the media (CNN in this case) is characterizing George Clooney - as a "serial dater" (pic #8). They make it sound like he is more of a serial murderer because of it.

Clooney has said "he will not marry again or have children," (pic #2) which seems to be offensive to some. Guess it's criminal not to be interested in marrying a woman if you're a rich and famous heterosexual man. Sounds like Clooney is hip to divorce and child custody laws in America today. Perhaps his choice, against pursuing marriage and children, is fast becoming no longer newsworthy -- just a conclusion that any man who really understands what the current situation is, and how biased the laws are against men, would reach.

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Any man not remarried 2 or fewer years after a divorce is clearly some kind evil exploiter of women, a "SERIAL DATER", arrrggghhh!!!

Especially so if he's rich and famous. If not, well, who cares...

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I think another reason it's offensive is because deep-down, most people know he does have good reason not to want to get married (i.e., women these days have a real attitude problem, and the laws are screwed up).

People react real funny to the truth, especially if it suggests women are messed up. They often go into denial or get downright antagonistic. When the truth, or 'implied truth', is not palatable, it just makes most people angry.


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Yes. If you don't want to take care of a woman you're a serial kille... I mean dater. Marriage is absolutely insidious. I thought slavery and indentured servitude was outlawed in this country over 100 years ago. Nope. Still alive today in marriage. Go George! Live your life as a free man!

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child support.


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Very rare but dangerous to the system.

The very idea of this Clooney unit thinking for himself and not "maning up" and letting the state attach a 150 plus lbs. bloodsucking leech to one of his main arteries....again!

What is this country coming to when males are allowed to do this? There needs to be a law forbidding unmarried male serfs!
Just kidding!!!

I would hold Mr. Clooney in higher regard if he made some statement about the rampant misandry in the West and the second class status of men in this decadent culture. He is a proponent of freeing some damned place called Danfur in the 3rd world that no one really cares about but doesn't have the gonads to freeing his own kind?

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Maybe Clooney talked to Alec Baldwin or read his book, or at least watched his local Los Angeles TV news. Alec's divorce and custody matters were high profile news in Clooney's west coast hometown of Los Angeles. Baldwin was also on 20/20, talking about family law courts about the time his book came out.

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"I would hold Mr. Clooney in higher regard if he made some statement about the rampant misandry in the West and the second class status of men in this decadent culture. "

He would never get another acting job (role) if he did that. And I am being quite serious.


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His wallet that is.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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