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That's a pretty good job Matt. If it was me, I'd probably have started right from the beginning with the Fiebert list and studies, or maybe about Strauss.
1. I often refer to marriage as the leading cause of domestics abuse. People who hate each other are living together because of the draconian practice of civil marriage. No amount of communication skills will ever solve this.
2. Great point on the redefining of words like violence. You might even be surprised to know that "sweet talking" is considered violent and abusive language. If you "sweet-talk" your girlfriend into giving you oral sex - that's sexual abuse of her. I even read a quote from an advocate at a women's shelter that merely getting your girlfriend pregnant is abuse (this did meet with some scorn from other advocates however).
Permalink Submitted by Marc A. on Thu, 2009-11-05 01:45
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That's a pretty good job
That's a pretty good job Matt. If it was me, I'd probably have started right from the beginning with the Fiebert list and studies, or maybe about Strauss.
Thanks Matt.
Thanks Matt. Just a couple brief points:
1. I often refer to marriage as the leading cause of domestics abuse. People who hate each other are living together because of the draconian practice of civil marriage. No amount of communication skills will ever solve this.
2. Great point on the redefining of words like violence. You might even be surprised to know that "sweet talking" is considered violent and abusive language. If you "sweet-talk" your girlfriend into giving you oral sex - that's sexual abuse of her. I even read a quote from an advocate at a women's shelter that merely getting your girlfriend pregnant is abuse (this did meet with some scorn from other advocates however).
Thanks again!
Great Job
Excellent job, Matt, thank you. I thought you were very clear and articulate.
I didn't see it yet but this is good news, thanks Matt!