NYTimes.com: Fathers Gain Respect From Experts (and Mothers)

Via Marc A.: All right, who put acid in my coffee? I actually see the NY Times printing a male-positive article and acknowledging maternal gatekeeping as a factor in the shortage of father involvement. No way. What's next, acknowledging the actual number of male DV victims? Excerpt:

'Uninvolved fathers have long been accused of lacking motivation. But research shows that many societal obstacles conspire against them. Even as more fathers are changing diapers, dropping the children off at school and coaching soccer, they are often pushed aside in ways large and small.

“The walls in family resource centers are pink, there are women’s magazines in the waiting room, the mother’s name is on the files, and the home visitor asks for the mother if the father answers the door,” said Philip A. Cowan, an emeritus professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, who along with his wife, Carolyn Pape Cowan, has conducted decades of research on families. “It’s like fathers are not there.” '

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