MND: The Shriver Report Proclaims a New Day, but Anti-Male Bias Remains the Same

Article here. Excerpt:

'Liberal feminists have seized on the massive loss of jobs held by men to declare that "A Woman's Nation Changes Everything." That in fact is the title of "The Shriver Report," whose raison d'ĂȘtre is the fact that men have lost so many jobs that women have become almost half the labor force. (If anyone out there actually believed them when feminists claimed they were sorry, truly sorry about the plight of male workers in this recession, now you know.)

Maria Shriver, California's First Lady, has gotten together a passel of like-minded people and they've written a report which is really a book. And because it's a book, I haven't yet read the whole thing, so I'll have to blog about it piecemeal.

So here's the blog about the Executive Summary.

The Executive Summary is by Economists Heather Boushey and Ann O'Leary, who right off the bat inform us that "for the first time in our nation's history, women are half of all U.S. workers." Well, I suppose I shouldn't quibble, but they are not now half of all U.S. workers. About a percentage point still separates the two sexes and that means about 1.4 million workers.

Worse, they seem to think that American history began in the 1960s. It seems not to have occurred to Boushey and O'Leary that, as late as 1930, the majority of Americans lived on farms and that women very much worked on those farms. Nor does it occur to them that the vast majority of non-upper-class women have always worked at something.'

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