Intact America active in Boston and Washington

From an IA newsletter:

Intact America was on the ground in Boston and Washington this week, speaking with doctors and decision-makers at conferences held by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP).

Routine circumcision is ethically wrong – but the AAP and AAFP may become the first medical associations in the world to recommend it for all baby boys.

Many of the doctors we spoke with expressed concern over being pressured to circumcise babies. It's clear that we must continue to hammer home our message: No doctor should remove healthy genital tissue from a baby who cannot consent, and doctors as a group should take an ethical stance against infant circumcision.

Help us send a "call to conscience" to the AAP and AAFP – urge them NOT to recommend infant circumcision.

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