Mexico Latest to Launch Women-Only Taxis

Story here. Excerpt:

'(AP) Each pink taxi comes with a beauty kit, a GPS system and an alarm button.

The new fleet of 35 cabs in Mexico's colonial city of Puebla are driven exclusively by women and don't stop for men. The cabs cater especially to those tired of leering male drivers.

"Some of the woman who have been on board tell us how male taxi drivers cross the line and try to flirt with them and make inappropriate propositions," said taxi driver Aida Santos, who drives one of the compact, four-door taxis with a tracking device and an alarm button that notifies emergency services. "In the Pink Taxi they won't have that feeling of insecurity, and they feel more relaxed."

Women's rights activists are aghast at the cars' sugary presentation and said the service does not address the root of the harassment problem.

"We are in the 21st century, and they are saying women have continued worrying about beauty and nothing more," said Vianeth Rojas, of the Network for Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Puebla. "They are absolutely not helping eradicate violence against women."'

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Oh my God! That terrible man said I am pretty!!

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I am not sure what side to take on this. Cab drivers do freak me out a little, as most times I take a cab I am a little inebriated and/or unfamiliar with my surroundings. Both increase a female's chance to be victimized. So I would definitely prefer a female cab driver if I had my choice.

One time my friends and I were out partying and one girl got so drunk, she passed out. The rest of us wanted to continue on, so we flagged down a cab to take her home. We tipped him extra to help her get into her home.

We did not tell the driver that she lived with her boyfriend. When she got home, her boyfriend got up to find the cab driver inside taking off her pants. I am sure the driver would have raped her if not for her boyfriend.

And in Mexico, American girls know not to take cabs alone, too many similar incidents or solicitations for prostitution, and when you say 'no thanks' it makes for an awkward drive the rest of the way.

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