Opinion: Linda Ray and Brigid Doherty: Investing in women is crucial to economic recovery

Piece here. Excerpt:

'Poverty does not cause domestic violence. An abuser determined to exercise power and control over his victim causes domestic violence. Certainly, though, the violence experienced by low-income women can make the climb out of poverty impossible.

Poverty, in turn, makes it more difficult to end domestic violence and heal from its effects.

We also know that women closest to the challenges in their community are the ones with the best solutions, which is why funding women is so effective at decreasing problems. Investing in a woman brings security to her as well as her family and her community.

We are at a critical moment for change in our community. By fully realizing the potential of women, we can lift up our economy, provide more — and safer — options to families and move ourselves out of the position of being the third-poorest big city in the nation.'

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How about tackling male unemployment?

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