The Shriver Report released, claims it's a woman's nation

Report here (.pdf file). This report is extremely long -- 438 pages. Admittedly, I skimmed through it but I tried to provide some of the more intriguing excerpts.

“A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything” is work in the best tradition of those ideals. It flips a switch in our culture, sparking a collective acknowledgement of the interdependence of men and women today. With that switch we hope will come changes in the collective mindset of our government, business, faith institutions, our culture, media, and most importantly, men and women. Embracing these new dynamics and sparking new conversations is what “A Woman’s Nation Changes Everything” is all about.

As you’ll read in this report, women have now taken their place as powerhouses driving the economy. Consider this: Today, women now earn 60 percent of the college degrees awarded each year and fully half of the Ph.D.s and the professional degrees. Almost 40 percent of working women hold managerial and other professional positions. Women make 80 percent of the buying decisions in American homes. Companies led by women generally are proving to have healthier bottom lines.

One female corporate executive told me, “Women don’t need equal pay. They actually need to be paid more, because the fact of the matter is that we typically are responsible for more within our families, and we have to pay to outsource more. Most of the men I have competed with for positions have had a stay-home wife at some point and many have had a wife throughout their entire marriage.”

In addition to physical injuries and risks, workplace inequities produce “social hazards” that also jeopardize women’s health.62 Women can experience intense psychological stress and related disorders from occupying lower status positions in the workforce—from the devaluation of their work to lacking control over their working conditions, from strenuous tasks to hostility they often encounter when they break through gender barriers. Moreover, the shift work women often perform can cause disturbance of regular circadian-metabolic rhythm, which intensifies occupational stress. And another major source of occupational stress for women is sexual harassment.

Domestic violence is the number one cause of injury to women. Once thought of as a purely private matter, intimate violence is now recognized to have far-reaching public health and financial consequences that extend to the workplace. Perpetrators often try to threaten the stability of a survivor’s job, in order to further
control her and make her more financially dependent on the perpetrator. Domestic violence contributes to a job loss for a quarter to half of all survivors.

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And they are comparing these findings to what? Where women were, June Cleaver? They certainly can't be comparing them to men. When they start dying younger than men and can have men take all their money when they get divorced, and loose their children and are forced to live in their parents basement then they will have found equality. As far as getting paid more because men have stay at home wives and don't have to pay for help they should try to pay for a wife! I bet there are no stay at home dad's for this group. No use for a man around the house if he isn't paying his way. Only men who can afford it have stay at home wives, or those men who have wives who refuse to go to work.

The stress of not having their jobs appreciated, I know my back is killing me for having the bosses patting me on it all the time. We all know that the only people who work the "grave yard shift" are women I am feeling badly for their poor cicadian clocks.

More job related injuries, I think I am going to have to lay down.

I ask again who are they comparing their lives to. I certainly can't be men!

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Pinch me. I just can't be awake and on the right planet.
How far removed from reality can they be? They act like they are the only beings on this earth and that men have it made and are sitting around doing nothing. Hello?!

When women really start doing the grunt work that men have been doing for centuries and which women have conveniently been ignoring (going to replace that timing belt for me?), they are really going to have something to complain about. It'll be "wake up in the REAL world, wymen!"

Maybe we should take away all these modern conveniences that appear to make everyone's job a button press away. I really think these conveniences (computers, automation, robotics, etc.) have contributed to leveling the "playing" field in that women (and weaker men) can do many of the same jobs as men. Men's physical strength hardly plays a role anymore. So, remove the white collar jobs and modern conveniences (like A/C, LOL. I know some that complain loudly when its a couple degrees too high or low!) and let's see how fast they return back to their homes and soap operas.

I'm so glad I never married! Talk about creating a contentious environment. Why does it have to always be some competition? I enjoy my peace and quiet, plus being with someone who I can appreciate and RETURNS that appreciation. Can't we all just get along?!


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I gotta keep commenting!

In addition to physical injuries and risks, workplace inequities produce “social hazards” that also jeopardize women’s health. Women can experience intense psychological stress and related disorders from occupying lower status positions in the workforce.

Right. Because women are the only ones who suffer such hazards and stress.

How about having a disability, like I do, that affects your ability to receive promotions and other advancements in spite of your advanced experience and knowledge? Oh, wait, that only affect women. Men don't count.

It's a woman's nation. No kidding.


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It's pretty clear by now that radical feminism and all its evils aren't going away, and it clear that the MRM isn't going away, although misandrist (woman's nation) won't even give it a nod of recognition. In many ways, journalism and the mass media are complicit in the war on men, along with the educational system, the legal profession and government.

I absolutely love the idea of a man strike, but doubt it will ever happen in my life time. It there were a "man day" and every man stayed home to observe the oppressions and hardships that men endure, or went to a public protest, this mighty "woman's nation" would come to a screeching halt and we'd see just how pathetic is the claim that women are actually doing the work of men. Of course, men need to keep bringing in "the paycheck," because of all the people depending on the work of the male slaves, and he's not allowed to take a day off for such a frivolous thing as an observance of his own slavery and oppression. How dare the male slave even rattle his chains and disturb the privileged and pampered casts of society.

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If I were a woman, I'd hang my head in absolute shame over the way that women's special programs and services have denied men equal protection, equal rights, equal justice, and contributed to the pain and suffering of all men. As just one example, of the 15 leading causes of death in America, men lead in 12 categories, are tied in two and women lead in only one. Yet there is an Office of women's health at the national level, one at the state level in my state, and one at the county level, in my county, but none for men anywhere. And that's in California Maria!

Clearly, we are seeing more and more each day how the woman's movement, the woman's nation, is none of those things it claims to be. It appears to be just a glorified hate movement all dressed up in the trappings of a societal cause. How long must men endure the pure evil of the woman's nation that so egregiously tramples the rights of males under its prejudice and tyranny?

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Economically speakiing it cannot exists a woman's nation.

They work less and produce very little (inventions) also work less extra hours.

But they demand more resourses from society.

This poor women are delusional.

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...with the help of six other people(according to page 3) - another fantastically productive woman, folks! If this second rate Kennedy thinks i'm going to waste my time reading over 400 pages of feminist propaganda she must think all men are as stupid and servile as The Austrian Acorn.

(in his bodybuilding days they used to call him the Austrian Oak)

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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"Today, women now earn 60 percent of the college degrees awarded each year and fully half of the Ph.D.s and the professional degrees." Just thought I'd point out that at least half of these degrees have to be Mrs. degrees. My wife has almost 10 years of higher education and makes maybe $10K a year in a part-time job. She quit her "career" after a few years. It was too tough.

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