MND: Research Dismisses the Validity of Feminist Gender Studies

Article here. Excerpt:

'However, a few months ago, a came across a whole new way of “undressing” feminism, that I hadn’t seen before. This new kind of criticism towards feminism came from Swedish researcher Helen Lindberg, who earlier this year presented her doctoral thesis called Only Women Bleed?: A Critical Reassessment of Comprehensive Feminist Social Theory.

In her thesis she has evaluated four different feminist theories, with regard to internal coherence, and their usefulness as theories in a research context.
The short version of what she’s saying is that using feminist theory as the basis for conducting research, is about as useful as using Marxist theory to conduct research. She also nullifies the standard feminist reply to criticism (”what branch of feminism are you criticizing?”) by demonstrating that each of the four branches of feminist theory examined have the same theoretical weaknesses.

This confirms what I’ve long been suspecting: gender studies are not a scientific discipline, they are a method for applying a certain ideology onto whatever data you collect during your “research”. Still, gender study departments around the world are allowed to teach generation after generation of women that men are evil oppressors, while hiding behind a respectable academic façade that they certainly do not deserve. How long will this charade go on?'

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The world is begining to awake of the feminist nightmare.

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