Pakistan: Farmer's daughter disarms terrorist and shoots him dead with AK47

Story here. Good for her! Now why again are women not by default subject to selective service (aka the draft) should it be activated? Seems to me that with such weapons as rifles, a greater amount of physical strength isn't as necessary as it was back before the invention of firearms. Excerpt:

'Rukhsana Kausar, 21, was with her parents and brother in Jammu and Kashmir when three gunmen, believed to be Pakistani militants, forced their way in and demanded food and beds for the night.

Their house in Shahdra Sharief, Rajouri district, is about 20 miles from the ceasefire line between Indian and Pakistani forces.
Militants often demand food and lodging in nearby villages.

When they forced their way into Miss Kausar’s home, her father Noor Mohammad refused their demands and was attacked.

His daughter was hiding under a bed when she heard him crying as the gunmen thrashed him with sticks. According to police, she ran towards her father’s attacker and struck him with an axe. As he collapsed, she snatched his AK47 and shot him dead.

She also shot and wounded another militant as he made his escape.'

Note the story says she will be nominated for an award for gallantry. Somehow I doubt this would happen had she been a he. In that case, it would have been "just what he should have done, there's a good chap."

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When I read someone say a woman killing a man is 'good news' I know that the situation is hopeless.

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I think she was brave. I think anyone would have been considerred brave, especially a unarmed civilian attacking an armed militant.

I think the 'good news' is that the men were stopped and the community is safer.

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"Good for her" would apply regardless of the gender of either person. It's praising her for her courage in facing off a terrorist. I think the points is a good one. They should be included in the draft.

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