State computer glitch causes overcharges in child-support cases

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'TRENTON -- A local attorney has uncovered a glitch in the software the state uses to calculate child support awards, prompting an investigation into how widespread the problem is, officials have confirmed.

Robert Rottkamp Jr., who practices law in Ewing, discovered the problem when a state-support order issued against his client claimed the man owed $16 more each week than Rottkamp's own software indicated.

He advised a Superior Court judge of the discrepancy, and she took the matter up with the state Administrative Office of the Court. The ensuing investigation revealed an error in the software. The state is now looking into the ramifications of that problem.

"At this point, we don't know exactly what happened, how often it occurred or the number of people it affected," said Tami Kendig, a spokeswoman for the AOC.

Last year, state courts handled 67,387 divorce cases and 158,587 nondissolution cases involving unmarried couples with shared children or assets. Not all of the cases involved child support, Kendig said. Nor did they all utilize the faulty software, she added.'

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