2009 Value Voter Summit: A "new masculinism" needed to compliment a "new feminism"

Information here. Political conservatives are putting on a conference today, Saturday September 19, in Washington, D.C. One of the breakout sessions is entitled, "The New Masculinity," and calls for a redefinition of masculinism and feminism as "compliments" to each other. You can watch the conference live (Eastern Standard Time, GMT -5). From the schedule:

2009 Value Voters Summit
Date: Saturday, September 19
Sponsored by FRC Action: The legislative action arm of the Family Research Council

Breakout session #2:

Time: 4:15-5:00 p.m.
Place: Omni Shoreham Hotel, 2500 Calvert Street NW, Washington, D.C.
Room: Congressional A

Dr. Pat Fagan -- Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Family and Religion, Family Research Council;
Michael Schwartz -- Chief of Staff, Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla.);
Dr. Matthew Spalding, Director; B. Kenneth Simon -- Center for Studies, The Heritage Foundation

Feminism has wreaked havoc on marriage, women, children and men. It is time to redress the disorder it has wrought and that must start with getting the principles and ideals for a new "masculinism" right. Such a "masculinism" will have its dovetailing counterpart in a new "feminism" for they mutually define each other and, in nature, are meant to be complementary. This panel will begin this exploration.

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I didn't read the whole article but, this sounds sort of like the 'gender transition movement' that Warren Farrell has often talked about.


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