MSNBC: The Superiority of Wives

Article here. Okay, get the barf bag ready: wives are indeed the better half. MSNBC and psychologist Carin Rubenstein say so. Women do it all; men do next to nothing. Excerpt:

'It turns out that a majority of married couples — about two out of three — are just like us: the wife is the one who can't get hit by a truck. She's the one who develops expertise in nearly all aspects of modern life; she becomes the de facto master of the marital domain while also earning a significant part of the family income.

It's as if by taking on a husband, a wife gains a dependent — not quite a child, but not quite a true partner either. She's Marge Simpson to her husband's Homer. This arrangement does not characterize every single married couple, of course, just a great many of them. While husbands may joke about wives being their "better half," quite often it's the literal truth. Wives are the better half — the ones who are capable and responsible, organized and efficient, caring and involved.
The superiority of wives has become the only remaining fact of modern life that dare not speak its name.'

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So women have it bad when they get husbands, men have it good. If so why then...

1. Are marriages instigated largely by women?
2. Are men so generally not enthusiastic about marriage?
3. Are women more likely to seek remarriage after divorce than men?
4. Do men report having a higher standard of living when they have never been married as opposed to married or divorced men, all other things (age, social class, occupation) being equal?

I could go on, but you get the idea.

The author of this article is a classic manhole.

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"Going to work every day, washing two cars every week (even in winter!), and handling the family finances are the only jobs that he has signed up for."

From this comment, it appears her husband does "nothing" but work and pay the bills, while she bakes birthday cakes and plans the family vacation--and, of course, has the time to write a book in which she berates him as a "minion," a "Homer Simpson," a child to her adult.

All on his nickel.

Bottom line, men: Avoid marriage like the plague else you turn out like this poor sucker.

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Deluded Narcissist. This book is just another reminder to men not to get married or have anything to do with women. This book demonstrates how weak and insecure women are, they have to tell themselves they are superior because deep down they know they are not. Women are pathetic.

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I don't think I have ever mentioned this. You might think it a good idea. Women should be hanged from trees. The trees should be burnt and the ground sowed with salt too purify it.

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trotter, this is the kind of comment that makes feminists yet even more certain of their "rightness". I understand you are only expressing anger/frustration. But others are not likely to, esp. those already wondering whether or not they should be MRAs or continue on with their mission to reduce the male population to 10% of the human population with few or no actual rights (ie, feminists). Such people only get more energy from these kinds of comments.

Please, for the sake of the cause of men's (which is to say, human) rights, be careful how you express yourself. Broad generalizations and expressions of violent intent toward others really don't help the cause.

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"Avoid marriage like the plague else you turn out like this poor sucker."

I'd say most people probably should not get married in this day and age. The risks are too great and the payoff, overall, is not high enough. Still, some very fortunate people may find someone who is very trustworthy and very sincere in their feelings, as well as being responsible and easy to live with, and has little or no baggage from previous mistakes/decisions in life. This kind of person is marriageable, but as with all things, it's a judgment call.

I feel that it's very rare that someone meets another person with these traits *and* falls in love with them (and vice versa) such that they can stay married til death do them part. Marriage is like business: It's inherently quite risky, so be careful who you go into it with. Most businesses fail. No surprise then that most marriages fail, too. Lesson to be learned.

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Uh... I am kind of speechless.

How can she be so arrogant, and how can her husband handle this humiliation. He does feel humiliated, doesn't he?

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You're a jackass.

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MRAs run a risk here when they say words like "all marriage should be avoided," or "avoid all women." The risk here is over-generalization, and the author of this book did it, and some of us are doing it in this comment section. People are each different. Just because one man is violent, doesn't mean all men are violent. Just because one husband happens to defer to his wife on many things (which after all many of us have been taught to do by feminism), that doesn't mean that all men do that. Let's try to break out of this women are better, no men are better, back and forth duality. Let's open to respecting individuals as each unique.

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It is not really over-generalization to advise men not to marry. It has little to do with 'generalizing' anything; rather, it is solid advice when given with family courts, misandry, claims of DV, etc. in mind. Stephen Baskerville, Ph.D. is one notable father's rights advocate who recommends men not get married with the way things are now.

BTW, it's been my observation that whenever this kind of discussion gets going, there's bound to be someone who pipes up and says, 'hey, every one is unique.' That doesn't change the fact that solid advice is solid advice. Besides, you don't really know someone until the chips are down, like, say, during a divorce.

Finally, the MR movement has never been about 'men are better'. It is not the opposite of feminism. redwoodwriter should go back in his/her closet and sing 'We Are The World', 'Give Peace a Chance', 'Kumbaya' or whatever. Leave us practical, goal-oriented people alone.


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Marriage for men is to be avoided, there is no negative aspect to that piece of advice. It's a proven fact that divorce and family laws are biased in favour of women. Therefore men should avoid marriage and if neccessary avoid women. Men should avoid cohabitation as well, since this is virtually the same as marriage. Men need to live alone. Living alone provides men with their only safe haven away from women and feminists. Living with a female is just not worth the hassle or risk.

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She spends money like we have it. We don't.
And she refuses to get a job to help pay for what she spends.
She seems to think that literally 50% of every penny I make is hers.

oregon dad

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Well Kris you are wrong I am actually an elk. Remember elk have the antlers. Jackass was what you married.

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As far as marriage goes, I really don't care what other people decide. I am not one to try and talk people into things. There's nothing wrong with being single.

I am newly married. It is not for everyone. My husband is 30, never married no kids; He has been single and taking care of himself for a long time. I am bringing two kids into the marriage and we are living in my house that I am used to running myself. There is a lot to get used to.

To some people it may not be worth it, I understand that.

But if people are planning to have kids, I think there should be a commitment. If kids are not part of the plan, I see no reason to get married.

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I did not see your last comment directed at me, before I made my last post.

I called you what I think you are based on your comment above and some of the other comments you have made in the past. You seldom offer anything to the conversation, especially when you write about hanging and burning women.

To call some one a name based on nothing (because my husband has never even posted here, so you have nothing to base it on), is only a desperate attempt to get a response. My husband is an outdoorsman, on his downtime, he watches sports on TV. He has no interest in internet forums. If you want to think of him as a jackass, you are free to do so. But if he is, he is a happy and healthy jackass. You on the otherhand seem bitter and demented.

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Men and women face different problems in marriage. The problem for men is they're likely to lose their kids, their income, and their freedom in a divorce. But there's a secret here: marriage precedes divorce. No marriage means no divorce. Of course, I understand why men want to get married--the ideal and the promise of being lifelong mates with your honey are very powerful. And, in many cases, simply co-habitating or even dating a woman can lead to serious problems for men. That's because the law has become so female-friendly that it's male hostile.

A woman is likely to find marriage more attractive because even if it ends in divorce--a divorce she likely instigated--she will keep the kids, keep a substantial portion of his income, and never worry about going to jail if she loses her job. She'll get welfare instead.

Also, I do make a distinction between "women" and "female culture," the latter being the behaviors that are legal and acceptable for women to engage in. Most women aren't bad in and of themselves--but our culture allows women to do to men what they would not want men to do to them. For example, it's legal for a woman to lie about using BC with the intent of trapping a man into 20 years of child support. She doesn't face the same trap because she can walk away from a child she doesn't want. She decides for him what she doesn't want him to decide for her--and it's all legal.

This article is an example of modern female culture--it's condescending and female-flattering while humiliating and belittling the man--in this case, the author's own husband. And yet, with a straight face, despite her back-stabbing ways, she claims to be superior to him in all ways.

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For men, marriage in the 21st century is one of the worst mistakes he can make.

There are no benefits, and there are only risks and liabilities.

Why get married?

Sex? Maybe. But many that have been married will tell you that sex can evaporate after the honeymoon.

Companionship? Male friends can meet that need. Unless you get married, and your wife makes you feel guilty for spending time with them.

Cooking? Cleaning? 21st century American women usually consider these tasks beneath them. And when you consider the cost of a cleaning service, and compare that to the maintenance of a wife, the cleaning lady looks a lot cheaper.

Someone to take care of you in your old age? Look at the divorce statistics. Only a 50/50 chance of anyone being around anyway when the golden years start.

The tax write off? Far less than the maintenance of a wife.

Have kids? No need to get married for that, either. If you knock someone up, getting married only increases the liability. (Think alimony, besides child support).

I challenge ANYONE to come up with a concrete reason that could convince a man to get married.

The gauntlet has been thrown down.

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i have a reason!

to fit the mold of society! :D

that's a good reason, right?

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