Canada: B.C. female teacher is given 6 months in jail and counseling for sexually assaulting student

Story here.

'VANCOUVER, B.C. — A former private school teacher who sexually assaulted one of her teenaged students and then gossiped about it to his friends is going to jail for six months and will spend two years on probation.

A provincial court judge in Vancouver heard the teacher, who can't be named, convinced the Grade 11 student that if he were sexually active he would be more confident.

After the two had sex, the teen learned the woman had phoned two of his closest friends and talked about what they had done, his lack of experience and her frustration.

While the woman initially denied having sex with the student, she entered a guilty plea in May to touching for a sexual purpose while in a position of trust.

On top of the six-month jail term, the former teacher also has to give a sample of her DNA, can't have any contact with males between the ages of 14-and 18-years-old, and has been ordered to attend counselling.'

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"She denied having sex with the student..."
Why is it when a female does this it is sexual assault, yet any male would be held to the public with words such as rape and paedofile? Ahh that's right, females don't do such things they are innocent little flowers. Makes ya sick really.

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a sexual predator that has her name hidden,

so she can move somewhere else and repeat?

don't recall anyone EVER hiding the name of

any man accused (even falsely) of similar acts.

isn't having sex w/ a minor RAPE, not sexual assault?

6 mos in jail and probation?

that sounds like a drunk driving sentence.

fine bunch of loons north of the border, eh?

been drinking water imported from the feminized u.s.?

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They changed the criminal code in Canada in 96 to eliminate the crime of rape and lump everything under the term sexual assault. That way a person grabbing a woman's ass while drunk is considered as awful as Karla Hamolka and Paul Bernardo in the eyes of the justice system here. Plus since now there is only the one crime, it's easier for feminists here to preach their lies because no matter what happened it's all called sexual assault which they are quick to tell you is the new term for rape. So in essence, it's all rape in Canada now.

Weird that the article mentions her having to give a DNA sample yet makes no mention of her being added to the national sex offender registry. Wonder how she avoided that which is supposedly mandatory in sexual assault cases.... oh wait, we're talking about a female right? Forgot for a second, mandatory is not something that applies to females no matter what the law says. Besides, what good will a DNA sample from her do in catching her in the future. All she has to do is make the boys wear a condom and take a shower after. It's not like female ejaculate is present in a males urethra for days after sex like sperm is in the vagina. Just another way women have the upper hand in rape.

Glad she can't be near males between the ages of 14 and 18. Good thing she can still fuck 13 year old boys all she wants and any girls she might be into. I have NEVER in my life heard of such a specific restriction placed upon a man charged with sexual assault on a person UNDER THE LEGAL AGE OF CONSENT IN CANADA. In Canada the legal age of consent is 16. It was 14 but the Conservative government changed it about 4 years ago. But I love how the article disguises that the boy was under the age of consent by using his grade instead of his age. Males charged with that are ordered to stay away from ALL PERSONS UNDER THE AGE OF 18, not some specific age and gender range.

Don't know why her name was protected either. That usually only happens in cases of insest in Canada to protect the identity of the victim. She should be named.

She got off and then shamed him to his friends, 6 months sounds about right. Now if she were a man, and the girl was 15 and he told all her friends she was a slut afterwards, then he'd be looking at closer to 10 years. Canada does not even pretend to be fair.

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Yah, I have to admit all the teacher sex and false rape reports are getting to me.

I usually don't comment on them.

Usually, I just notice the sentencing disparity and difference of language, which is an issue, but I just don't have anything new to add to the conversation.

But this one gets under my skin a bit. I echo all the things Paragon said.

It seems that the student was lacking self esteem, now he has this horrible experience to live with.

At first I was puzzled as to why she would call his friends and blab about the terrible experience, but then I remembered that one of the motives of rape is humiliation of the victim.

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.... male motives and female motives in cases like this are usually similar. It is equally common regardless of the gender of the perpetrator for the victim to believe at the time the acts are going on that they are in a loving caring relationship with the adult. Girls often refer to their adult male partners as their boyfriend as boys often think of their adult female sex partners as their girlfriend. Both genders use offers of money, drugs, alcohol, driving cars or whatever else the young person is not legally or prenatally allowed to do to seduce them into sex. Both genders also use pornography as a means of making sexual behavior appear normal to the young person. The difference there is females tend to self produced pornographic images of themselves solo or in acts with other of their sex partners. Men tend to use Hollywood Vally produced porn.

Physical violence is employed in less then 5% of all cases of sexual assault against minors.

The few cases that do involve violence and strangers are the ones that get the media coverage, yet tend to be the absolute rarest occurrences. In North America, there are approximately 200 million people under 18 and there are on average 6 cases per year of stranger abduction resulting in rape and murder of the victim. The chances of any child being abducted raped and killed are lower then the chances of the child dying by any other cause of death. In other words, despite the education system and the media spreading fear, children are remarkably safe from the boogieman.

Instill in your kids self respect, self esteem and confidence, they will not fall victim to ANY kind of sexual assault. PARENTING is the only thing thing that can protect children, the State will NEVER be able to and will only make things worse for children in the long run.

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