"...it was especially disrespectful because it was directed towards a woman..."

Story here. This particular incident wherein one performer interrupts another performer while she is giving an award acceptance speech is indeed an example of incivility and rudeness. No one denies that. The problem here is the way this story is discussed by this particular blogger. The most telling paragraph:

"Not only was Kanye's approach disrespectful, it was especially disrespectful because it was directed towards a woman--a teenage girl, actually. Taylor won't turn 20 until December. I can only imagine how her father feels. I'm sure he would like to have a talk to Kanye. I'm not related to her, and I'd like to have a talk with him."

What Mr. West did was indeed wrong and very poorly-thought-out. Of course he is entitled to his opinions about whether a certain award was given to the most deserving person. Grabbing a mic from someone else during their moment in the limelight however is just rude and uncivil. However his rudeness is neither more nor less exacerbated by the gender of the person he grabbed the mic from. As to her age, well, she's 19, and so, an adult. Had she been 17, there may have been a valid point to make, as adults are expected to refrain from setting bad examples to children or to do things that take advantage of their youthful vulnerability, with the point becoming more valid as the child's age decreases.

What I see in the blogger's comment is simply another example of chivalry, if not in action, then in intent.

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Kanye is a punk-ass!

He would have never done that to anyone big enough to challenge him physically.

One thing I learned from both my brother and my ex, who are both great fighters (my brother is an amateur competitive boxer and my ex is a 6'8" pro athlete that has been in his share of scuffles), is that real toughness is shown by challenging a guy bigger than you. Kanye would NEVER do this!

Are you telling me that the fact that she was no physical threat to him, did not play a part in his decision to grab the mic from her and steal her moment?

PS- I understand your point about it being equally disrespectful no matter what gender the person is. Perhaps a more accurate statement would have been, "...it was especially COWARDLY because it was directed at a 19 year old female". (as females are least likely to fight and generally smaller)

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"What I see in the blogger's comment is simply another example of chivalry, if not in action, then in intent."

I see the comment not as misplaced chivalry, but as evidence of the general contempt for men that permeates our culture. Remember: women good, men bad; women entitled, men deprived; women worthy, men unworthy.

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I think the blogger's comment has more to do with the innate desire that we all have, especially men, to protect women. Another way to look at this is that if it had been another woman who had interupted and grabbed the mic, people would merely interpret it as rude and not threatening...even though I would guess that in front of millions of people, there is a much higher likelihood that it would come to blows between two women than a woman and a man. The reason for that is simply that men have a 'block' when it comes to hitting women; they are not just 'socialized' not to do it, but that restriction is innate as well. (Of course part of that goes back to protecting women.)

As proof of this, consider the heavy amount of 'skipping' (or whatever it's called) that occurs, that is, when a streetwalker takes a man's money then leaves instead of providing the agreed-upon service. If there were not a natural 'prohibition' against men hitting women, a lot more of these girls would get beaten up, and then we'ed be reading about it all the time.


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Probably men do have an innate instinct to protect women. But I am trying to overcome it so I don't care if he had kicked her ass of the stage. But then again I probably don't share his taste in music.

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....challenging a guy bigger then you? I would have thought real toughness was the strength of character it takes to not beat the crap out of the weaker guy that challenges you.

Stupidity is looking for the biggest baddest guy to take on. Toughness is in respect for your opponent and restraint of your abilities so you do not kill them.

An where did a guy 6'8" go to find bigger opponents? He's a well above average sized dude.

I doubt physical threat level was a concern to Kanye though. All celebrities are posers and he is a particularly large ego maniac. Besides Jay-Z is bigger, stronger and MUCH more wealthy then Kanye and he could have easily interpreted Kanye's actions as an attempt to get in his wife's panties. So in that respect by your logic Kanye is on brave motha fucker to hit on a bigger man's wife.

But of course reality is, he's not brave, just a narcissist who lives for attention and stirs up controversy to get it whenever he can. The only cure is to ignore him and hope he fades away.

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You made some good points, I don't dispute them. (although I never thought about Kanye trying to hit on Beyonce. I don't think that was his intent).

However, when I talk about 'threat' in the Kanye situation. I am saying that a 19 year old girl is smaller, less likely to throw a punch (plus she's wearing heals and an evening gown) compared to any mid size guy wearing jeans.

Taking a mic from her is easy, there would be no physical consequences. And as you can see, there wasn't.

Would Kanye try and take the mic from Kobe while giving his MVP acceptance speech? I doubt it because Kobe would kick his ass right then and there. (Now that I would like to see).

Kanye chose his victim because she would not respond in a physically manner. It may have been an unconscious choice.

And you are right about it being stupid to challenge a guy bigger than you. I should have worded it differently to say it is cowardly to only challenge people smaller than you, which is what Kanye did. As far as restraint and control goes when challenged, I think it depends on the situation. I think in this situation, anyone would have had the right to kick Kanye's ass.

I also hope Kanye fades away.

PS- I loved Taylor's performance with Def Leppard awhile back. Sugar anyone?

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Kanye is no mid-sized dude, his a short little fucker. Even if she took her heels off she'd be taller then him lol. He's just a little punk.

How could you not interpret what he said as him hitting on Beyonce? Getting up on stage, looking down at her in the audience and saying her crap video for her misandry laden crap song is the greatest of all time. Dude is seriously jealous of Jay-Z for having her as his bride. Personally I'm not, not a fan of Sasha Fierce. Not a taylor Swift fan either though cause she's pretty much as bad for the man hating in her songs a Beyonce. That and I just really am not into country.

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