Tortured for child support arrears, he did not owe

Article here. Excerpt:

'Bardes, who lost 126 friends in the World Trade Center attack on September 11, wanted nothing more than to be a good dad and equal parent to his son and daughter. He didn't ask his wife to have an affair with the nanny's husband. And when his ex-wife moved their children to another state after the divorce, Bardes followed, twice.

Due to the children living in three states over a short period of time (PA, NC, SC) Bardes had all three states charging him child support, resulting in mistaken arrears. Bardes says he never willfully withheld child support, and documents related to his Federal court case (#02:08-487-PMD-RSC) support his claim.

Bardes developed severe depression after being treated like a criminal. He says they "seized assets, destroyed my credit ratings, destroyed my business and income, and my mental health." He lost so much weight he was "skin and bones." This man who once made $180,000 a year now had a hard time finding employment.'

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