Would We Still Have War If Women Ran The World?

Article here. Excerpt:

'That “sensitivity to humankind” is a wonderful compliment, President Sirleaf, but, unfortunately, I think that it’s only a gender stereotype that women are inherently less violent and they “feel” parenthood and the loss of children to war more than fathers do. Maybe I’m just a cynic, but I don’t think cruelty and poor judgment knows a gender. Just because women largely have not been in positions of power in wars so far doesn’t mean they would be any less hawkish if they were to be in that position. Just think about it: If Hillary Clinton had been elected president, do you seriously think not a single American soldier or other world citizen would have died on her watch?

Gender stereotypes probably help get women like President Sirleaf elected, which is great, but nevertheless, stereotypes don’t do anything towards discouraging male politicians from being less violent. I know she means well by implying more women should be elected to public office so the world can change, but I don’t think we should delude ourselves as to how it might change.'

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" Women outside of Quentin Tarantino movies generally aren’t considered to be capable of brutal or violent behavior"

Sort of off-topic, but Tarantino does appear to be about the only major director/screenwriter who doesn't portray all his women characters as either heroines or victims. I didn't see Kill Bill but my suspicion is that it was sort of 'you go girl' in that one, with Uma Thurman's character. However, in Pulp Fiction there was Honey Bunny the armed robber. Though she didn't actually shoot anyone. (The Mia Wallace character was a drug user but wasn't portrayed as a 'victim' of drug use as such.)

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Would We Still Have War If Women Ran The World?

Yes we would, probably even more than now. The only difference would be that at least men dont send the opposite sex to die whereas im pretty sure if the world was a bunch of matriarchies it would still be the boys sent to die.

Rise, Rebel, Resist.

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Margaret Thatcher was prime minister of England and a mother of twins, yet she presided over the Falklands War in 1982.

Golda Meir was Prime Minister of Israel and a mother of two children, yet she was in charge of Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Indira Ghandi was Prime Minister of India and the mother of Rajiv and Sanjay Ghandi, yet she was in charge during a war with Pakistan in 1971. The development and testing of nuclear weapons also occurred during her tenure.

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As Steve Moxon said in a recent post on his blog, women leaders are "like men without their good side." He specifically gives the example of Margaret Thatcher.


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