Carey Roberts: USA Today Rejoices in Man-cession, Hails Rise of Gender Equality

Essay here


'The essay's pretzel logic is so outlandish that I promise to keep a straight face as I explain it to you.

And the article's original title was so outrageous that within hours the USA Today editors felt compelled to tone it down. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

It's no secret that men been hit hard in the current recession. The USA Today article acknowledges that men have lost 74% of jobs since December 2007, with women losing the remaining 26%. The reason is men predominate in construction and manufacturing, sectors that have suffered a massive hemorrhaging of jobs.

Most would view these numbers with dismay and even alarm. In many families men are the primary breadwinners and men's job loss hurts their wives, children, and dependent parents. And unemployment is emotionally devastating to many men.

But socialists view massive male unemployment with undisguised glee. After all, if we can't force more women out of the home into the workplace, then we can achieve numerical workforce equality by throwing millions of men off the assembly line.'

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If men can't find a job in their home country, then they should look for jobs in other countries. Why stay in a country that doesn't want to help you? China and the middle eastern countries have massive amounts of construction work going on, maybe there are more opportunites there for work? Also the recession maybe inspire a lot of these men who have lost their job to start up their own business.

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"Also the recession maybe inspire a lot of these men who have lost their job to start up their own business."

Actually, I've read that that tends to happen during periods of higher unemployment. The only problem is that it is the businesses started by women that get all the breaks and fact I wouldn't be surprised if some of the new government funds are being funnelled to women starting their own businesses - since they are 'under-represented' in that area.


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